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Tiago Ribeiro de Barros tiagordebarros
👨🏻‍💻 Full Stack Web Developer e🧑🏻‍💼 fundador da Parceiros de Negócio.

Parceiros de Negócio Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil

Ryan Bright rbright
I dream of products and bring them to life with code.

@moonrise-energy Castle Pines, CO

Jaren Garman JarenGarman
Full Stack Software Engineer
Mark O'Dowd markodowd
Software Engineer | Building modern web applications | TypeScript/JavaScript/Python


0xn0b174 sademban

ann inc Fukuoka, Japan

Thọ Nguyễn Xuân xuantho573
A disciplined CS junior motivated by challenges

@holistics Hồ Chí Minh City

Thibault Milan clawfire

@smileinnovation Luxembourg

Aidan Timson timmo001
👨‍💻 Full-Stack Software Developer 🤖 Tinkerer 🕹️ Gamer

GoThrift Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Rai Rairof
Just a casual user while being pretty new to everything in GitHub.


Kat Schmidt kattschmidtt
Control Is An Illusion

Miami, FL

Mukul Kumar imkool47
Embracing the quiet pursuit of excellence while others chase fame. Cause everybody's trying to be famous, and I'm just trying to find a place to hide.

Jakub Wąsik Eghizio
Full-Stack Developer 🎓 AGH   #selftaught

Schibsted Kraków, Poland

Samy Tamim mylastresort
Building good software

Rabat, Morocco

w0prup purp0w
No green frogs were hurt during the taking of this picture!


FlipArt FlipArtYT
SEMICOLON ";" - New Github User - just to test VS Codes Github AI - also because of a project called "Silk OS"


今木トシ ImagiToshi
Tell you a little bit of myself

Jilin, China

Bacharelado de Sistemas de Informação student at USP. Developer | Designer

Campinas, SP

Kyle Reddoch kylereddoch
Software Engineer who makes things. Teaching people about development. I develop apps📱and tools 🛠 that will make a difference in people's lives.

Amarillo, TX

lthon09 lthon09

@Xen0n-XE Vietnam

incognito sehairo
i use arch btw

digital cove

Alex agrevster
Cyber Security Student @ UNI
Abhiman G S abhimangs
I don't code.

Tamilnadu, India

isabel preciousakura
Computer Science Student (UFC) and Full-Stack Developer in progress at Insight Lab.


Oleh Vanin exsesx
Lead Software Engineer at @S-PRO. Armed with an Internet connection and infinite curiosity, and also a Lord of the Rings and Star Wars fan ✨

S-PRO Ukraine