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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Silver silver331177
A student

USST shanghai

Zhao Du ZhaoDu
Good for you.

Tongji University Shanghai, China

Juan Esteban Grimaldos León juanes-grimaldos
Professional in Economics and Data Science with experience in data analytics and the development of data scientist tools.
Rahmadita Listianingrum ListianingrumR
Spatial Data Science and Visualisation

London, UK

Frankie yelsre
GIS & energy systems

INTEGRATION environment & energy Berlin, Germany

Jeremiah jeremiahpslewis
berlin / economics & computation / information economics / micro theory


Bardo Salgado BardoSal

Mexico city

Miguel Costa mncosta
Postdoc @ Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Copenhagen, Denmark

Zhang.Wenlan wenlanzhang
RA at WBG, PhD candidate at CASA, UCL

World bank Washington DC