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Joshua Driesen driesejr
DevSecOps Engineer @ MetC
Christian King MetropolitanCouncil-ChristianKing
Applications Developer 3

Metropolitan Council St. Paul

Shen Qu qushen26

Portland State University Portland

Shanta Hejmadi shanta-hejmadi
Data Scientist, Ecologist, Evolutionary biologist, and musician.

Minneapolis, MN

Sadixa Sanjel sanjel-sadixa
Metro Transit Data Scientist
Jed Hanson jedhanson

Minneapolis, MN, USA

Andrea Imhoff andreaimhoff
Nerding on;

Working at Metro Transit, a subsidiary of @Metropolitan-Council

Steve Yochum yochumsd
Senior Data Engineer

Metropolitan Council

Eli Pousson elipousson
I love old buildings and bicycles. Planner with the Baltimore City Department of Planning. Former preservationist @baltimoreheritage

Baltimore City Department of Planning Baltimore, MD

Sam Ding sdingx
Current student of MS Applied Data Science at the University of Chicago.
Alex skydeo

Minnesota, USA

Laura Matson lauramatson

Metro Transit Minneapolis, Minnesota

Liz Roten eroten
Data Scientist & Cartographer

@Metropolitan-Council St. Paul, Minnesota