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henrique neco nec0
não tenho idade pra bio ainda não

Universidade Federal do Cariri - UFCA Juazeiro do Norte, CE

Assem Merzoug Assem-Mrg
Pentester | Bug Bounty Hunter
Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

Trelov Odracir trelovodracir
... I try to develop my projects so that they can be considered "solutions" (just like every developer would talk about their work, lol).

Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) Curitiba, Paraná - Brazil

Pedro Mendonça pedro-mendonca
WordPress i18n and l10n enthusiast


Troy troy1713
AutoCAD Design/Drafting Professional.

U.S New Orleans, LA

Obede Macena ObedeMacena
Atuo nas áreas de análise, planejamento, utilização e avaliação de tecnologias de informação, possuo aptidões na gerencia da infraestrutura de organizações.

SHIFT IT - Consultoria São Paulo - SP (Brazil)

Tansu Ozcelebi tansuozcelebi
Delphi, Pascal, SQL, Mikro


Victor Leras Skaleras
Industrial Engineer, 3D modeler - 2D Drafter

Maracaibo, Venezuela

manupanand manupanand
Mechanical engineer turned coder, merging hardware finesse with software flair on GitHub.
Dan Marques danmarquees
The Best Coffee of All Github. Im Learning. Be Patient

São Paulo - Brazil

Akshit Chilkoti Akshit-Chilkoti
I am a programmer, amateur astronomer, amateur rocketeer, and the founder of Animator8 Inc. ® and ROYP.

Animator8, ROYP The Laniakea Supercluster

Liu Shuai tomeasure
I don't want to tell you anything about me.


(¬‿¬) VonBluebaugh
Ayrton Araújo ayrtonaraujo
Just learning and sharing some experiences with coding.
