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Alberto Di Biase tito21

Imperial College London London, UK

Zhiwei Zhang KZHIWEI

DP Technology London

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Sila silardu

Imperial College London

DF denisfouchard
I am a student in data science and computer science at Télécom Paris.

Télécom Paris Palaiseau, France

( emmanuel adolphus johnson ) JohnsonEmmanuelA-Chit-Chat
hand·book noun:handbook: a book giving information such as facts Chit-Chat & ChatterBox isthisreallyon LLC Apple Inc. John R. Commons 1893 In the game, dove

handbook San Francisco

Dong Xiao dongxiao96
Phd student at Imperial College London

Imperial College London London

Matthew Marsh matthewmarsh11
PhD student in Data Driven Modelling, Optimisation and Control @OptiMaL-PSE-Lab Interested in Chemical Engineering, Quantitative Finance and Sports Modelling


Jack Chapman jackchapm
Kotlin 🥰

Wales, UK

James Derrick jgd10
Senior Developer Evangelist @ansys. Python Expert, Rust Enthusiast, PyCon 2024 Presentation:

@ansys @pyansys Cambridge

Terence Tan Kah Weng EconProg
Hi, I'm Terence. I'm a high school student who loves programming as a side hobby, having learnt some R, Python, as well as currently undertaking JavaScript.
败-犬-- MichiGamda
nothing worthy


Alberto Centelles Acentelles
Constantly looking for the pleasure of finding things out. Algebraic number theory and cryptography.


Zihao Xue(Nemo) ZihaoX3
Recent Grad MEng EIE student @ImperialCollegeLondon --- AI & Go-lang Enthusiast

London, U.K. / Nanjing, China