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❌Em Dawg❌ Em-Dawg

Alien Intelligence Labs Ohio, USA

Megan R Brett mebrett
Digital humanist. I craft end-user documentation, run workshops, and create resources for learning new DH skills.

Virginia, USA

Yi Zhao YiZhao999
Ph.D. student in Political Science
joshua! skttlock
am real person like helping others getting used to this whole "computer" and "technology" thing

Oregon State University - Cascades

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Brian J Murray bmurray7
Staff Software Engineer at @google working on embedded cryptography.

@google Mountain View, California

Alec Akin rainmana
I am the Board Treasurer for @Police-Data-Accessibility-Project

Police Data Accessibility Project Washington State

Ayidana Ayidana-Aboraah
Attempting to build robust software that enables human evolution.
Thiago P B Bessimo 贝玉卿 thiagobessimo
PhD Candidate at the Hertie School Observa China 观中国 Co-founder "Os ventos do norte não movem moinhos"


Salutations! I'm Robin Armstrong. In this intricate digital mosaic, each of us finds a unique space to voice our passions, dreams, and musings.
Phd Student (Harvard Econ)

Harvard University Cambridge, MA

Matt mgr34

@HumanRelationsAreaFiles at Yale University New Haven, CT

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Alessandro Pizzigolotto chickymonkeys
Postdoc @Economics_UCPH. Meticulous Debugger. R, Python and trying to avoid Stata.

University of Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark

Lars Windauer windauer
everything XML, @Jinntec , @eeditiones, @eXistSolutions, @eXist-db and other ODDs and ends

@JinnTec GmbH Berlin, Deutschland

Joe Wicentowski joewiz

Arlington, Virginia

Phyo Win Latt kerryht

National University of Singapore Singapore