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István Bordi bordee
"Innovate faster than they can write the rules" (Andreas M. Antonopoulos)


GXQ STUDIO we working hard to make al Agent Framework for multiple block chains no code need it al STUDIO write coding easy and optimised for light weight!

GXQ Las Vegas

Marcos Meneses MAMware
after 30 years, back to code


YAro Script yarscript
🥷 Full-Stack NodeJS/PHP Web3 Dev 🥷

@yarscript Atlantis

Thydux is a blockchain-focused project designed to enhance crypto trading and investments. Its suite of tools includes smart trading strategies and investment.

@investorab United States of America 🇺🇲

Michael mjmaurial

New York, New York

yqq youngqqcn
日拱一卒,功不唐捐 (Step by step, no effort will be in vain)
Isaki Dube djlaserman
Computer Scientist and Entrepreneur, 2D Art & 3D Modeller & Animator. VFX and Electronics enthusiast. Also a father of two lovely kids...

@TekNerds-IT-Services Johannesburg, South Africa

howzus dreamineering
Make it flow

dreamineering copenhagen denmark

ELIZA multi-agent framework, our AI CEO Eliza summons a dream team of AI personas that interact with each other and report back to us humans.

Ikigailabs XYZ 0x

Michael Demarais mikedemarais
cofounder @rainbow-me

@rainbow-me New York, NY

Dylan dylandesrosier

@anagrambuild Canada

Faysal Ul Haque faysalhaque

@RedQ Dhaka, Bangladesh

amber buchtela Abuchtela
Contributor, developer, community member, moderator, designer….

freelance iowa

Cioclea Doru Octavian dorucioclea
Tech enthusiast

@CoreBuildSoftware Cluj-Napoca

Kames Geraghty kamescg

@district-labs New York

Trevor Richard trmid
Full stack web developer exploring decentralization techniques for the modern web. Interests: IPFS, Blockchain, PWA's, and Public Goods Funding

@GenerationSoftware Mississauga, ON

Chuck Bergeron chuckbergeron
Developing ideas into professional apps since 2004

Developer Vancouver, BC