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Derek Buntin DerekBuntin

Adonis Media Scotland & Australia

Alex Araujo araujodeveloper
Desenvolvedor Full Stack e fazedor de jogos indie no tempo livre.


@apachesep apachesep
Web developer and designer with JS,PHP,C#,Joomla! owner of

TuxCS Taiwan

IsmaGUIRE haagrah
Dynamique, ambitieux , rigoureux et aime le leadership. Passionné par l'Informatique et la robotique. Prêt à collaborer dans n'importe qu'elle projet.
Bilal Hafri hafribilal
I'm most comfortable in that weird, funky world between design and development—that's where the most fun, creative, boundary-breaking work happens.

Forase Morocco

Artan Emini eminiartan
PHP/Lavarel Intern at @lucky-media

@lucky-media Gostivar, Macedonia(FYROM)