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Docker and WordPress

A personal journey

WordPress is easy. Docker is easy. There's a ready-made official container for WordPress... so why isn't this easy to do? In a word: networking.

Getting computers to talk to each other is an age old problem and virtualization hasn't changed that one bit. Running your code in a Docker container is effectively the same thing as running it in any other virtual machine or on another computer altogether. Under the hood on a Mac, Docker just uses VirtualBox. It's not all bad. Docker actually does the hard work of "making networking easy" but networking is still so difficult that you are bound to run into a few snags, particularly for local development.

Using virtual containers for local development can take much of the hassle out of configuring your dev environment and sharing it with your team. The toolbox for working with Docker is getting much better; with docker-compose and docker-machine it's getting trivial to manage your dev environment in the same repo where you manage your code (at least for getting started). Docker Hub makes it easy to manage your own repositories of servers and even keep them private.

All good? Not quite.

Docker is still designed primarily to be used by a professional who already knows how to manage servers in the cloud. Docker actually starts making more sense the closer you get to using it in production -- in particular, some of the local development roadblocks start to look like useful features in a cloud environment. There's a lack of documentation because of the newness of the technology and the general audience it serves. Anyone who is used to the extremely kind and coherent documentation that comes from PHP or MDN or from the WordPress community will already be familiar with how jarring it is to look up documentation about UNIX commands or configuring servers. Docker is all about UNIX commands and configuring servers and the documentation isn't always illuminating from a developers perspective. (Apologies in advance if you are a server pro and think the documentation is perfect because it doesn't waste any breath coddling the newbies).

For a developer who wants get up and running with docker there are a number of pitfalls. Digging through the issues is a dizzying experience for someone just trying to get a local development environment set up.

There's also a few terrible roadblocks.

A quick note

This is written assuming you want to develop WordPress on a Mac using Docker to manage your local dev environment. You should have already installed the Docker toolbox. There is a really great tutorial for getting docker working smoothly on OS X. But it's probably best to just install the Docker toolbox for Mac. It will install VirtualBox for you if you don't already have it.

Currently Docker has a confusing ecosystem of command line tools. The good news is that they are rapidly working to upgrade everything to a more idiot-proof work flow. The bad news is they aren't there yet. In the meantime we're stuck with a few different commands and tools required to get things going. You'll be using a few different commands:

NOTE: Make sure you've at least done step 1.

Docker Compose

You need to use docker compose for local dev. It allows you to set up a simple docker-compose.yml file that will bundle all of the ugly docker cli commands together for you. If you see a tutorial that has you typing docker ... on the command line there's probably a better way to do that inside a docker-compose.yml file. You'll see a bunch of documentation about firing up an image with something like: docker run --name wordpressdb mysql. Don't be confused! If you were deploying to a production environment the docker cli would make sense. For local development you should use docker-compose.

Using docker-compose you can get a server running in no time at all (sort of). There's actually a great tutorial that walks through the basics of using the official WordPress image. There's also a very light tutorial in the docker compose manual for getting started with docker compose and WordPress (although it's low on details and slightly out of date).

Docker has recently moved to a version 2 file format and it breaks a few things (namely, env variables for linked containers). If you're following an example that doesn't have version: '2' at the the top of the docker-compose.yml file it will work slightly differently. It's recommended to switch to version 2 because you get other cool features that you'll want to utilize later... so you're going to have to familiarize yourself with the differences while the documentation catches up.

If you want to start with the official WordPress image there's an unmerged pull request with an example docker-composer.yml showing the new v2 syntax. It's essentially the same except there are more environment settings that are required compared to the Sitepoint tutorial linked above.

Here's the TLDR;

Create a docker-compose.yml file. You'll want to open your terminal and do something like this:

$ mkdir tldr
$ cd tldr
$ touch docker-compose.yml
$ subl docker-compose.yml

Paste this into docker-compose.yml

version: '2'

    image: wordpress
       - "8080:80"
      - data-web:/var/www/html/wp-content/uploads:rw
       MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PROTO: tcp

    image: mariadb
      - data-db:/var/log/mysql
       MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: example

  data-web: {}
  data-db: {}

Connecting to Docker daemon

Docker is designed for people who know how to manage a computer from the command line. That means you have to configure your local environment or remember a bunch of commands. This can be confusing, especially if you set up docker a while ago and don't remember each step of the Docker machine get started tutorial. Later we'll be creating a simple way to write down and re-use all of the common commands that we need to run. They are part of the code you need to run your project so you should treat them as such and manage them with version control. More on that later.

With your docker-compose.yml file created you should be able to start your server up easily from the command line in the same directory. Except... you can't run docker-compose up from the command line until you set the docker environment variables.

$ docker-compose up
ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon - you might need to run `docker-machine start default`.

You need to ignore that error message -- it's misleading. The most likely problem is that your environment doesn't have all of the docker environment variables. (Be sure you have installed the docker toolbox). Thankfully Docker makes it easy with the docker-machine env default command. TODO: add that command to your bash profile so you don't ever run into this again. FIXME: how to do that?

It's easier if you just run that command every time you try to run docker-compose. It will look like this:

$ eval $(docker-machine env default) && docker-compose up
Creating network "tldr_default" with the default driver
Creating tldr_db_1
Creating tldr_wordpress_1
Attaching to tldr_db_1, tldr_wordpress_1

Port forwarding, or, making localhost work

You should have a development server running from the previous step. What now? We would like to view our new WordPress site in a browser. Most tutorials completely skip this step or guide you into some complicated mess of looking up IP addresses. Networking is hard. Thankfully you can skip all of that and use a simple tool called Docker port forwarder which makes all of your docker images appear on your Mac's localhost.

Your server isn't available on localhost by default

Let's try opening our WordPress instance in Chrome (pro tip: you can do that form the command line).

$ open -a Google\ Chrome http://localhost:8080

That probably didn't work. Your docker images get weird IP addresses by default. Docker manages this for you and it's easy enough to get it working in a production environment. For development the random IP addresses are really annoying.

Install docker-pf

Now let's install docker-pf and try it again.

$ npm install -g docker-pf

Run docker-pf when you want to access your local dev servers.

Start the port forwarder. This will forward the ports from those random IP addresses to your localhost so that it's easy to find your services. You need docker-pf running for it to work. We'll cover how to make this slightly easier later on.

$ docker-pf

With docker-pf your server should be available

Now that the ports are forwarded we should be able to open our dev environment in Chrome.

$ open -a Google\ Chrome http://localhost:8080

That should be much better. Of course now we're in a small pickle. Our simple "up" command is getting messy.

$ eval $(docker-machine env default) && docker-compose up -d && docker-pf

Using Sequel Pro to acccess MariaDB

In the docker-compose.yml file, we've added a port forward to the host machine so that the MySQL instance can be accessed via a GUI like Sequel Pro (which we use) or a similar tool. It serves the instance at the standard port (3306), and can be accessed using as the host. TODO environment variables should feed into this so that we can only use this on dev, maybe staging.

We've added a neat shortcut to Sequel Pro by stealing this excellent shell script and adding it to our NPM shortcuts below. Once the environment is up and running, you can simply run npm run docker:db:open and, assuming you have Sequel Pro installed, it'll open up right to your WordPress DB. Bitchin'.

Keeping track of common commands

One of the easiest ways to keep track of and run common commands is using a package.json file and NPM. It is now common practice to utilize NPM as a build tool. Even though we're working with PHP, it's still going to be easier to store our commands in a package.json file. Once you've got a good flow going you may enjoy creating a bunch of shell scripts for managing these tasks. For now, NPM will be the easiest.

Initialize your package.json file

Let's initialize NPM inside the tldr folder we created earlier. Follow the instructions, it doesn't really matter how you fill it out until you feel like publishing this package to NPM, which we won't be doing. If you want to, just hit the return key and use all of the default answers.

$ npm init

Edit the package.json file

In the package.json file under scripts there should already be a test command (that doesn't do anything). You can add others that are more useful. You could run tests using npm run test. Let's add one called docker:env and run it using npm run docker:env.

$ subl package.json

Add a new docker:env command:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "docker:env": "eval $(docker-machine env default)"

Now we can run it, although it won't really do anything useful just yet.

$ npm run docker:env

Adding some other commands.

  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "docker:env": "eval $(docker-machine env default)",
    "docker:pf": "npm run docker:env -s && docker-pf 0<&- &>/dev/null & \n",
    "docker:pf:down": "kill $(ps aux | grep docker-pf | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') || true",
    "docker:up": "npm run docker:pf -s && docker-compose up -d",
    "docker:down": "docker-compose down && npm run docker:pf:down -s",
    "docker:shell": "docker exec -it $(docker ps --format \"{{.ID}}\" --filter \"name=wordpress\") bash"
Command Description
npm run docker:env Sets the docker environment variables. This doesn't work exactly like you'd expect when you run it through NPM. It doesn't actually set the variables in your shell but in the environment that NPM is executing within. This is most useful when combined with other commands.
docker:pf Starts the docker-pf port forwarding script in background mode.
docker:pf:down Kills the docker-pf port forwarding script.
docker:up Starts the port forwarding script and starts your servers.
docker:down Stops the servers and stops the port forwarding script.
docker:shell Launches an interactive shell in the docker machine.


Adding your local files to a docker image

Adding your files to a docker image is dead simple and extremely versatile. You can mount individual files, or a whole folder. You can mount a folder within a mounted folder, you can mount folders from one container to the other. The only restriction is that the mounted volume must be on the same network as the container or it must be on the host. There is a poorly documented restriction that -- specifically on a Mac -- if you mount a folder from the host it will only be writable by root or the docker:staff user within the container. This is the biggest pitfalls of all for Mac users. In particular it's painful for WordPress development (because WordPress likes to write files).

What does this mean? It means that it's easy to mount your code from your laptop into your docker container but the docker container won't be able to write to it unless you fiddle with it first. But even then the fix seems a little wrong. There are many threads on this but the most famous one is ticket #581. More on volumes below.

Mounting all of WordPress for fun

If we wanted to be particularly lazy, we could mount all of WordPress like this: ./wordpress/:/var/www/html/:rw. That's actually something fun to try because it shows just how much magic the WordPress image is doing under the hood.

Open your terminal and navigate to the tldr folder we created earlier. We need to create an empty wordpress folder. When you mount a folder it needs to exist, but it's cool if it's empty.

$ mkdir wordpress

Then edit your docker-compose.yml file to mount your empty wordpress folder as /var/www/html/.

version: '2'

    image: wordpress
       - "8080:80"
      - ./wordpress/:/var/www/html/:rw
       MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PROTO: tcp

    image: mariadb
      - data-db:/var/log/mysql
       MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: example

  data-web: {}
  data-db: {}

Now we can launch our docker image and see what happens. Make sure to bring down any previously running containers, otherwise you'll get a warning.

$ npm run docker:down && npm run docker:up
$ open -a Google\ Chrome http://localhost:8080

Surprise! Your empty folder is now filled with a vanilla install of WordPress. Why? How? I thought that it wouldn't be able to write to volumes mounted from a Mac host? Well, the WordPress image does some checks when it starts up using an script that runs as the root user. This is the script that installs WordPress on the image. And since we mounted our folder where the image normally puts WordPress, it put WordPress in our folder! What's more is that the script looks to see if WordPress already exists in that folder before copying any files into it. In production you could mount your own WordPress installation like we have done here and everything will just work.

Note: the script does some specific checks for the existence of WordPress and if you're doing something exotic, like using Bedrock Wordpress, you'll get some unexpected results -- because it won't find the specific files it looks for -- unless you overwrite the script. More on that later.

You can view the site in a browser and it should work fine. But try to install a plugin through the admin and you'll see the dreaded "FTP" page that indicates that WordPress doesn't have write permissions. Additionally, if you go through the WordPress install wizard the wp-config.php won't be updated either -- no writes from WordPress itself because it runs as www-data:www-data, well after the has done its work. If you bring the site down and start it back up we'll be back at square one; staring at the install wizard. Again, in production this won't be such a problem because it will be able to perform writes properly on your mounted persistent data volume.

Dead-simple mounting your own local files

Let's augment our docker-compose.yml file again. For simplicity we'll presume you've got some local files that look like this the following directory structure. Basically, you should have something that looks like a vanilla WordPress install on your local.


Now we can add a new volume to our docker-compose.yml file, like ./wordpress/wp-content/themes/:/var/www/html/wp-content/themes/:ro. The WordPress container will automatically snag the latest WordPress and place it inside of /var/www/html/ within the container. All we have to do is mount the files we wish to change into that folder and the container will serve our local files instead of the files from the vanilla WordPress install. The benefit here is that it's best practice to leave the vanilla WordPress files untouched, usually you only need to edit files in the wp-content folder.

Note: When you mount a docker volume you can specify :ro for "read-only" or :rw for "read-write". If you're mounting a volume from a Mac host the :rw won't work exactly as expected for the reasons outlined above and below. Specifying :ro will prevent even the root user from writing to the folder.

Below I'm mounting only the themes folder and the wp-config.php file. As a best practice you should individually mount only the files and folders that are unique to your project. Keep in mind that WordPress won't be able to write to folders you mount from a Mac host. It's fine to be surgical about it and mount very specific things. Also, the uploads folder is mounted to a docker data volume. TODO: I can't find a good explanation on how they work.

  • TODO: What files and folders does someone need to mount for a typical vanilla WordPress install?
  • TODO: What's the best way to manage plugins? There is a good example of doing this with an environment variable in the visiblevc/wordpress-starterwordpress-starter but that's extra script magic.
  • FIXME: This doesn't actually work as expected because the default script tries to overwrite the /var/www/html folder if it doesn't detect WordPress. Our mounted files and folders will already exist by the time the script runs, but since the script didn't detect a full WordPress install it will overwrite the entire /var/www/html/ directory, including the files we mounted. If you mount them as :ro they won't be overwritten but the entrypoint script will fail and your server won't start properly. In a production environment you'd probably just mount all of WordPress to have more control over which version is running, etc. For local development you'd want this to just work. The means we're going to need to craft our own script to change the default behavior.
version: '2'

    image: wordpress
       - "8080:80"
      - data-web:/var/www/html/wp-content/uploads:rw
      - ./wordpress/wp-config.php:/var/www/html/wp-config.php
      - ./wordpress/wp-content/themes/:/var/www/html/wp-content/themes/:ro
       MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PROTO: tcp

    image: mariadb
      - data-db:/var/log/mysql
       MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: example

  data-web: {}
  data-db: {}

The trouble with volumes

As mentioned above, volumes mounted from a Mac host are only writable from root or the docker:staff user. The best work around for this is discussed in the official docker Mysql image repo. In ticket #99 someone is trying to mount a volume into their mysql container so that all of the database writes will be written to the host machine. Conceptually, this is the easiest way to persist the database when you're working locally with docker -- except it doesn't work because Mysql can't write to the mounted folder. In a server environment the mounted volume might be on a persistent storage container in your cloud. On your local machine that seems like overkill and most users would rather just store it on their host machine. Because the host machine is a Mac, the file permissions don't match up and the permissions default to root and the docker:staff user (which is problematic because the mysql container writes files as the mysql user). The suggested workaround is to have the mysql user within the container have the same privileges as the docker:staff user. This feels a little hacky but it's reasonably easy to do. This same approach would solve our WordPress problems, we could extend the official WordPress image and alter the user permissions for the www-data:www-data user to match the docker:staff user.

But there's actually an easier solution... don't mount volumes that the server needs to write to. In practice there should rarely be a case where the server is writing changes to your files that you'll want to commit to your repository. For WordPress development that isn't 100% true but it's a good rule of thumb. Mounting writable volumes is hard, and it's bad practice to write to them anyway. In the MySQL example, mounting a writable volume is the only way to have your data persist properly in a cloud environment. After looking through some other WordPress Docker setups it seems that for local development it may not be necessary to have the DB mounted locally at all. It's probably easy to just use sql dumps so that you can easily control which mock data to load.

A better approach for local volumes

TODO: finalize this approach into a workable solution. It will require creating our own entrypoint script.

Here's an outline of our approach:

  • It's possible to ADD files from your host machine. This copies them into the container instead of mounting them. The one caveat is that once you copy files into the container you can't easily edit them. You only want to do this for files that don't change -- like vanilla WordPress.
  • For WordPress, only mount the files and folders that you need to edit during development. This will make it easy change your files and see the results on the dev server instantly without having to restart anything.
  • If you need to grab a server-written file you can always use docker cp to copy it from the container to the host. You could also write a command that did this for you if you regularly needed to pull down or push up some specific files.
  • For the database, it's probably better to have an entry point script that loads a backup.sql from a mounted data directory.
  • You can easily write a command to back up the database and store it on the host using docker run and even edit our npm run commands to automatically back up the db before calling docker-compose down. Since it's a dev database it's probably not critical to have the real mysql data directory unless you had a clear idea of what you were going to do with it. For production you'd follow best practices for persisting your mysql data volume in your cloud.

Because you can mount files into container as much as you please you can do some pretty crazy stuff.


To get any further with our installation, we need to replace the script that the official WordPress image uses with one that plays nicer with our desired workflow. There's actually great example in ticket #99 of overriding the default entrypoint from your docker-compose.yml file. We need to make our own shell script, mount it into the wordpress image and add an entrypoint to our docker-compose.yml file to execute that script before it starts the server.

Hello custom entrypoint

First we need to create our shell script. In our tldr folder from below, let's make one.

$ touch
$ chmod +x
$ subl

Add some content to our shell file. Below is a minimal file that does nothing and won't really work.

set -e

# shell magic goes here

exec "$@"

Update our docker-compose.yml file to use our new entrypoint, skipping the default entrypoint. We need to mount the entrypoint script with ./, we need to add an entrypoint and redeclare the command from the default Dockerfile.

version: '2'

    image: wordpress
       - "8080:80"
      - data-web:/var/www/html/wp-content/uploads:rw
      - ./wordpress/wp-config.php:/var/www/html/wp-config.php
      - ./wordpress/wp-content/themes/:/var/www/html/wp-content/themes/:ro
      - ./
       MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PROTO: tcp
      - /
      - apache2-foreground

    image: mariadb
      - data-db:/var/log/mysql
       MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: example

  data-web: {}
  data-db: {}

With this in place our server should start up just fine and we should see an error page ("You don't have permission to access / on this server.") in the browser. This is a good thing! We got our server to run and we bypassed all of the junk that the default entrypoint script usually does for us. Of course this means we didn't actually get wordpress installed, but that's ok! We can fix that in the next steps by adding things to our custom entrypoint.

$ npm run docker:down && npm run docker:up
$ open -a Google\ Chrome http://localhost:8080

Creating a new image

At this point we're somehwat bending over backwards to use the default WordPress image when it ultimately does things we don't want it to do. If you're not an expert of shell scripts, starting from a blank slate can be daunting. So, what next? Why not create a new image that does roughly what the WordPress image does and alter the parts of it that don't work the way we wany. If it wasn't explicitly stated before, we're trying to get the Bedrock version of WordPress running, so we're going to have to make a few changes.

Making a custom Dockerfile

There are a couple of good examples of a Dockerfile for WordPress. The officical WordPress Dockerfile, the WordPress Starter from visiblevc are good starts but the Bedrock Docker image from pcfreak tackles our Bedrock-specific problems using the official Wordpress image as the starting point. Ultimately it's a matter of taste how to blend all of these together. Each of them has a not-quite-perfect mix of features. For now we'll ignore that all of the images I'm referencing are using Apache even though all of the cool kids are using Nginx and PHP-FPM.

As a rough start, let's create a new folder servers/wordpress/ and add some files. Presume we're in our tldr forlder from before. You can see examples of these files in this repository. They're too long to paste here.

$ mkdir -p servers/wordpress
$ touch servers/wordpress/ && chmod +x servers/wordpress/
$ touch servers/wordpress/Dockerfile
$ touch servers/wordpress/php.ini

Updating our docker-compose.yml file

version: '2'

    # use our custom wordpress image
      context: ./servers/wordpress/
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
       - "8080:80"
      # mount your bedrock site as /var/www
      - ./bedrock/:/var/www/:rw
      - db:mysql
      # TODO: how do these interact with the .env file? Seem to override it.
      # TODO: WP_ENV: development|staging|production should `cp .env.${WP_ENV} .env`
      DB_NAME: wordpress
      DB_USER: root
      DB_HOST: mysql:3306
      DB_PASSWORD: pass
      WP_HOME: http://localhost:8080
      WP_SITEURL: http://localhost:8080/wp

    image: mariadb
      # mount your sql backup files to be imported on server launch
      - ./data/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
      # mount mysql data files to a docker volume
      - data:/var/log/mysql
      #MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress

  #TODO: what precicely does this directive do?
  data: {}

Adding more helpful scripts for managing the database

You can see these new scripts in the package.json in this repository. Here is the updated docs below

Command Description
npm run docker:env Sets the docker environment variables. This doesn't work exactly like you'd expect when you run it through NPM. It doesn't actually set the variables in your shell but in the environment that NPM is executing within. This is most useful when combined with other commands. NOTE: hmmmm. This needs explored.
npm run bedrock:init Downloads a fresh copy of Bedrock WordPress to a local bedrock directory.
npm run docker:pf Starts the docker-pf port forwarding script in background mode.
npm run docker:pf:down Kills the docker-pf port forwarding script.
npm run docker:build Builds or rebuilds the images. Useful when you make changes to your Dockerfile or any of the files that are mentioned in your Dockerfile, like the
npm run docker:up Starts the port forwarding script and starts your servers.
npm run docker:up:daemon Starts your servers as a background daemon.
npm run docker:down Stops the servers and stops the port forwarding script.
npm run docker:down:dump Dumps the DB to your local and then stops the servers.
npm run docker:shell Launches an interactive shell in the docker machine running WordPress.
npm run docker:shell:wordpress Launches an interactive shell in the docker machine running WordPress.
npm run docker:shell:db Launches an interactive shell in the docker machine running your DB.
npm run docker:db:dump Zips up any existing dumps and then dumps the current schema and data to your local data directory.
npm run docker:db:open Launches Sequel Pro with an open connection to your current WordPress MySQL database.
npm run docker:db:dump:schema Zips up any existing schema dumps and dumps the current schema to your local data directory.
npm run docker:db:dump:data Zips up any existing data dumps and dumps the current data to your local data directory.
npm run docker:db:roll:schema Zips up any existing schema dumps and labels them with a timestamp in your local data directory.
npm run docker:db:roll:data Zips up any existing data dumps and labels them with a timestamp in your local data directory.

New workflow

In a fresh directory we can get WordPress running very quickly.

$ git clone tldr && cd tldr
$ docker-machine start default || true && eval $(docker-machine env default)
$ npm run bedrock:init
$ npm run docker:up:daemon
# wait for everything to initialize, might take a bit
# it runs composer install for you
$ open -a Google\ Chrome http://localhost:8080
# go through the install completely
$ npm run docker:db:dump
$ npm run docker:down
# now when you bring the servers back up
# you'll have your data in place
$ npm run docker:up:daemon
# need a MySQL GUI?
$ npm run docker:db:open