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Nayan Ambali edited this page Jun 16, 2016 · 1 revision

Demo Import

  1. Download template.


  2. Open the downloaded template.


  3. Enter the required data.


  4. Upload the entered data.


  5. In case of erroneous entries in some rows.


  6. See the error report, fix it and re-upload.



After the tool gets up and running, here is a sample workflow :-

  1. Enter your offices and staff through the UI provided with MifosX.
  2. Import clients.
  3. Import groups and meetings.
  4. Enter your Currency Configuration, Funds, Charges, Loan Product configuration (Administration -> Organisation) and Payment Types (Administration -> System -> View Code ->Add/Edit Code Value) through the UI.
  5. Import loans along with approval and disbursement information. For quick import of outstanding balances, enter the total amount repaid in this workbook or proceed to next step for maintaining complete repayment history.
  6. (Optional) Import complete loan repayment history.
  7. Enter your Savings Product configuration (Administration -> Organisation) through the UI.
  8. Import savings accounts along with approval and activation information. For quick import of current balances of each savings account, enter the current balance as Minimum Required Opening Balance or proceed to next step to maintain complete transaction history.
  9. (Optional) Import complete savings transaction history.


  1. Default entries to fields in loan and savings import worksheets are set for the first 1000 rows. After that data validation rules still apply, but default filling of fields on selecting the product does not work.

  2. The group import sheet format right now has a maximum upper limit of 100 clients per group.

  3. Special characters in names (such as office name, client name, staff name, loan product name) will break the naming conventions used in Excel and no data can be entered which refers to these names.

  4. In some cases, where the name itself starts with a number or special character, the template cannot be generated and results in a download error.

Endpoint Alert

Changes in MifosX at these endpoints might directly affect the fuctionality of the tool:-

  1. /offices
  2. /staff
  3. /clients
  4. /loanproducts
  5. /funds
  6. /codes/12/codevalues
  7. /loans
  8. /loans/{loanId}?command=approve
  9. /loans/{loanId}?command=disburse
  10. /loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=repayment
  11. /savingsproducts
  12. /savingsaccounts
  13. /savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=approve
  14. /savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=activate
  15. /savingsaccounts/{savingsId}/transactions?command={withdrawal/deposit}
  16. /groups
  17. /groups/{groupId}/calendars


  1. Import Class Diagram.


  2. Sample Import Sequence Diagram.


  3. Populator Class Diagram.


  4. Sample Populate Sequence Diagram.


  5. Populator DTOs diagram.


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