All the experiments should collect all possible timing information, every sent and incoming byte, every network error of every exchange should be time-stamped with monotonic timer started at the measurement_start_time1. Incoming TCP ACKs may be time-stamped with some precision by polling TCP_INFO. L5 and L7 events like “ServerCertificate arrived over TLS1.3” and “HTTP header arrived” should also be time-stamped when possible.
Bytes come in packets, so packet may be time-stamped for UDP, while byte range may be time-stamped for TCP.
TBD: It’s unclear if SO_TIMESTAMP
and other alike options are useful.
TBD: is connect()
time the best estimate for SYN-ACK? Is RTT estimate from
after connect()
also good or, maybe, better? Maybe BBR_INFO
Having all monotonic timestamps within the measurement rooted at a single wall clock sample is needed as intra-measurement ordering may be important. For example, imagine “stateful” DPI that can “learn” a protocol of a service at IP:Port and two traceroute tests to the endpoint done before and after “teaching” DPI the protocol.
1: there is no need to explicitly keep a singleton object of a reference clock if all participating libraries use the same monotonic clock time source. Platforms may have several monotonic timescales!
- When RST or TLS Alert packet arrive way faster than SYN-ACK they are likely injected
- When DNS reply for non-cached “censored” hostname arrives as fast as reply to “” or “.” served from root, hints it is likely injected
- Mozilla has tips on cross-platform monotonic clock, Go/1.9+ and C++11 also have monotonic clock support