- Cracking the Coding Interview #technical-book
- Coursera - Data Engineering Foundations #online-course
- O'Reilly - Designing Data Intensive Applications IN PROGRESS #technical-book #in-progress
- KubeFlow
- Prefect
- AirFlow
- Educative - Become Database Professional - IN PROGRESS (4 modules, 22 hours) #online-course #in-progress
- Coursera - Database Engineer Professional #online-course
- PostGRES
- Intro to Yugabyte Fundamentals #online-course
- Youtube - PySpark #online-course
- O'Reilly - Kafka: The Definitive Guide #technical-book
- Youtube - Kafka #online-course
- Pulsar
- IBM - Big Data Foundations #online-course
- Educative - Become A Big Data Professional (3 modules, 26 hours) #online-course
- Udemy - Hands-On Hadoop #online-course Recommended by Mudassar Nazar
- Educative - Python for Programmers (5 modules, 31 hours) #online-course
- Clean Code in Python #technical-book
- Youtube - Test Driven Development with Python #online-course
- Data Warehouse Toolkit #technical-book
- Youtube - Data Warehouse #online-course
- Project - DE Project in under 20 minutes #project
- Project - DE Batch Processing for Beginners #project
- Educative - Become an ML Engineer (6 modules, 22 hours) #online-course
- MadeWithML - MLOps Course #online-course
- DeepLearning.AI - ML Specialization (3 courses) #online-course
- DeepLearning.AI - Mathematics for ML and DS Specialization (3 courses) #online-course
- DeepLearning.AI - TensorFlow Professional Certificate #online-course
- DeepLearning.AI - TensorFlow Advanced Specialization #online-course
- DeepLearning.AI - MLOps Specialization (4 courses) #online-course
- DeepLearning.AI - Practical DS on the Cloud #online-course
O'Reilly - Introducing MLOps #technical-book
- O'Reilly - Practical MLOps: Operationalizing ML Models #technical-book
- O'Reilly - Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and Tensorflow #technical-book
- O'Reilly - Designing Machine Learning Systems: An Iterative Process for Production-Ready Applications #technical-book
- O'Reilly - Building Machine Learning Powered Applications #technical-book
- O'Reilly - Machine Learning Design Patterns #technical-book
- O'Reilly - Kubeflow for Machine Learning #technical-book
- ML Papers Explained #research-paper
- Educative - Become A Data Scientist (5 modules, 57 hours) #online-course
- Coursera - Applied Data Science with Python #online-course
- DS Interview Guide
- DeepLearning.AI - AI for Good #online-course
- DeepLearning.AI - AI for Everyone #online-course
- Domestika - Creative Data Visualization #online-course
- Data Visualization and Information Design: Create a Visual Model #online-course
- Creative Web Design: Planning and Coding from Scratch #online-course
- Visual Thinking: Organize and Present Powerful Ideas #online-course
- Educative - Microservices Architecture (3 modules, 38 hours) #online-course
- System Design Interview - Alex Xu #technical-book
- Software Architecture - The Hard Parts #technical-book
- Designing Distributed Systems: Patterns and Paradigms for Scalable, Reliable Services #technical-book
- Youtube - Docker #online-course