Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Created | DateTimeOffset | Timestamp when the Trusted Origin was created | [optional] [readonly] |
CreatedBy | string | The ID of the user who created the Trusted Origin | [optional] |
Id | string | Unique identifier for the Trusted Origin | [optional] [readonly] |
LastUpdated | DateTimeOffset | Timestamp when the Trusted Origin was last updated | [optional] [readonly] |
LastUpdatedBy | string | The ID of the user who last updated the Trusted Origin | [optional] |
Name | string | Unique name for the Trusted Origin | [optional] |
Origin | string | Unique origin URL for the Trusted Origin. The supported schemes for this attribute are HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, Ionic 2, and Capacitor. | [optional] |
Scopes | List<TrustedOriginScope> | Array of Scope types that this Trusted Origin is used for | [optional] |
Status | LifecycleStatus | [optional] | |
Links | LinksSelfAndLifecycle | [optional] |