Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Created | DateTimeOffset? | Timestamp when the rule was created | [optional] [readonly] |
Id | string | Identifier for the rule | [optional] |
LastUpdated | DateTimeOffset? | Timestamp when the rule was last modified | [optional] [readonly] |
Name | string | Name of the rule | [optional] |
Priority | int? | Priority of the rule | [optional] |
Status | LifecycleStatus | [optional] | |
System | bool | Specifies whether Okta created the Policy Rule (`system=true`). You can't delete Policy Rules that have `system` set to `true`. | [optional] [default to false] |
Type | PolicyRuleType | [optional] | |
Actions | IdpPolicyRuleAction | [optional] | |
Conditions | IdpDiscoveryPolicyRuleCondition | [optional] |