Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Created | DateTimeOffset | Timestamp when the device was created | [optional] [readonly] |
Id | string | Unique key for the device | [optional] [readonly] |
LastUpdated | DateTimeOffset | Timestamp when the device record was last updated. Updates occur when Okta collects and saves device signals during authentication, and when the lifecycle state of the device changes. | [optional] [readonly] |
Profile | DeviceProfile | [optional] | |
ResourceAlternateId | string | [optional] [readonly] | |
ResourceDisplayName | DeviceDisplayName | [optional] | |
ResourceId | string | Alternate key for the `id` | [optional] [readonly] |
ResourceType | string | [optional] [readonly] [default to "UDDevice"] | |
Status | DeviceStatus | [optional] | |
Links | LinksSelfAndFullUsersLifecycle | [optional] |