Check how normal vs panecontrol panes behave when attached / detached.
Make proper python package.
Make runnable as tmux plugin
Implement join vs steal from menu
detach the current pane
tmux list-panes -s -t quickpane
window id does not persist.
Apply this to session on startup.
set-option -g allow-rename off
does not work
We can attach any window from any session. But sessions created with panecontrol get special treatment. They get sent to the PANECONTROL session when they are not active. They get marked in our shelve storage as special so that we can list them in a menu even when they are not currently attached to PANECONTROL.
When we detach a window we have to check if it's a panecontrol window or a normal window.
Check name on create, [a-z][A-Z][0-9] only and unique
Create should optionally take input from "tmux input"
tmux command-prompt -p "Enter input:" "run-shell 'ff %%'"
Either rip out libtmux or run shell tmux commands like this
session.cmd('new-window', '-n', 'Another Window')
Only Input, Button and the like are focusable.
Input + rows
Input listens for up down. If it has focus it will loose focus.