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MOD 4 BYOB - California Whale Sightings 🐳

By: Matthew Malone

Table of Contents


Many to Many
Many beaches have many whale sigthings.
Many Whales have been sighted at many different beaches. Whale Watchers Schema Diagram

Beach Info Object Example
  "ID": 36,
  "COUNTY": "Del Norte",
  "NameMobileWeb": "Crescent Beach Picnic Area",
  "LocationMobileWeb": "Enderts Beach Rd., .5 mi. S. of Hwy. 101",
  "DescriptionMobileWeb": "A scenic overlook is at S. end of Enderts Beach Rd.",
  "PHONE_NMBR": "",
  "FEE": "No",
  "PARKING": "Yes",
  "DSABLDACSS": "Yes",
  "RESTROOMS": "Yes",
  "VISTOR_CTR": "No",
  "DOG_FRIENDLY": "Yes",
  "EZ4STROLLERS": "Yes",
  "PCNC_AREA": "Yes",
  "STRS_BEACH": "No",
  "PTH_BEACH": "Yes",
  "FISHING": "Yes",
  "BOATING": "No",
  "GEOGR_AREA": "E. Crescent Beach to Lagoon Creek",
  "Photo_1": "",
  "Photo_2": "",
  "Photo_3": "",
  "Photo_4": "",
  "BIKE_PATH": "No"
Whale Sighting Info Object Example
    "species": "harbor porpoise",
    "quantity": "20",
    "sighted_at": "2017-10-01T00:38:00Z",
    "orca_type": "unknown",
    "beachId": 36,
    "beachName": "Crescent Beach Picnic Area"

End Points

GET endpoints
1. All Beaches

GET path:/api/v1/beaches

  • Sample Response (ok) status: 200
  • Will return an array of all beaches, each as an object.
  • Each beach object will contain the following:
    "ID": 1,
    "COUNTY": "Del Norte",
    "NameMobileWeb": "Pelican State Beach",
    "LocationMobileWeb": "W. of Hwy. 101, .5 mi. S. of Oregon border",
    "DescriptionMobileWeb": "Wide beach with driftwood, day use only",
    "PHONE_NMBR": "",
    "FEE": "No",
    "PARKING": "Yes",
    "DSABLDACSS": "No",
    "RESTROOMS": "No",
    "VISTOR_CTR": "No",
    "DOG_FRIENDLY": "",
    "EZ4STROLLERS": "",
    "PCNC_AREA": "",
    "CAMPGROUND": "No",
    "STRS_BEACH": "No",
    "PTH_BEACH": "Yes",
    "VOLLEYBALL": "",
    "FISHING": "Yes",
    "BOATING": "No",
    "GEOGR_AREA": "A. Northern Del Norte",
    "Photo_1": "",
    "Photo_2": "",
    "Photo_3": "",
    "Photo_4": "",
    "BIKE_PATH": "No"
  • Sample Response (error) status: 404
{ error: "Cannot retrieve Beach Data (try again just for the halibut)" }
2. All Whale Sightings

GET path:/api/v1/whale_sightings

  • Sample Response (ok) status: 200
  • Will return an array of all sightings from all beaches
  • Each sighting object will contain the following:
      "species": "orca",
      "quantity": null,
      "sighted_at": "2016-10-07T23:56:00Z",
      "orca_type": "southern resident",
      "beachId": 1,
      "beachName": "Pelican State Beach"
  • Sample Response (error) status: 404
  error: "Cannot retreive Whale Sightings Data (this blows)" 
3. A Single Beach with all beach statics

GET path: /api/v1/beaches/:id

  • Sample Response (ok) status: 200
  • Will return an the single requested beach as an object.
  • Each beach object will contain the following:
    "ID": 1,
    "COUNTY": "Del Norte",
    "NameMobileWeb": "Pelican State Beach",
    "LocationMobileWeb": "W. of Hwy. 101, .5 mi. S. of Oregon border",
    "DescriptionMobileWeb": "Wide beach with driftwood, day use only",
    "PHONE_NMBR": "",
    "FEE": "No",
    "PARKING": "Yes",
    "DSABLDACSS": "No",
    "RESTROOMS": "No",
    "VISTOR_CTR": "No",
    "DOG_FRIENDLY": "",
    "EZ4STROLLERS": "",
    "PCNC_AREA": "",
    "CAMPGROUND": "No",
    "STRS_BEACH": "No",
    "PTH_BEACH": "Yes",
    "VOLLEYBALL": "",
    "FISHING": "Yes",
    "BOATING": "No",
    "GEOGR_AREA": "A. Northern Del Norte",
    "Photo_1": "",
    "Photo_2": "",
    "Photo_3": "",
    "Photo_4": "",
    "BIKE_PATH": "No"
  • Sample Response (error) status: 404
  error: `Could not get beach with id 22, Can you please be more Pacific?`
4 100 most recent Whale Sightings associated with a specific requested beach by id

Path: /api/v1/beaches/:id/whale_sightings

  • Sample Response (ok) status: 200
  • Will return an array of 100 whale sight objects
  • Example partial array that will be returned:
      "species": "orca",
      "quantity": "5",
      "sighted_at": "2017-11-09T18:11:00Z",
      "orca_type": "unknown",
      "beachId": 53,
      "beachName": "Coastal Trail (Humboldt)"
      "species": "harbor porpoise",
      "quantity": "20",
      "sighted_at": "2017-10-01T00:38:00Z",
      "orca_type": "unknown",
      "beachId": 53,
      "beachName": "Coastal Trail (Humboldt)"
      "species": "humpback",
      "quantity": "1",
      "sighted_at": "2017-09-03T00:45:00Z",
      "orca_type": "unknown",
      "beachId": 53,
      "beachName": "Coastal Trail (Humboldt)"
  • Sample Response (error) status: 404
  • Note, this is probably due to no beach with the beach id requested
  error: `Could not get whale sightings with beach id 22, it might be because sea weed.`
5. Get all beaches where a specific whale/marine animal was spotted

GET path: '/api/v1/beaches/sighting_type/:id'

  • the id is the specific whale/marine animal
  • Response (ok) status: 200 - will return an array of all beaches where there was a whale/marine animal sighting of the requested type.
POST endpoints
1. Create Whale/Marine Animal Sighting

POST path:/api/v1/whale_sightings This Post requires species(whale/marine animal), sighted_at(day and time), beachdID(id of beach), beachName(name of beach). Format of POST body:

  species: <String>,
  quantity: <Number>, //optional
  sighted_at: <String>,
  orca_type: <String>, //optional
  beachId: <Num>,
  beachName: <String>
  • Sample Response (ok) status: 201
{ id: 98003}
  • Sample Response (error) status: 422 - When all the parameters are not provided:
error:  Expected format: {
          species: <String>,
          quantity: <Number>(optional),
          sighted_at: <String>,
          orca_type: <String>(optional),
          beachId: 1,
          beachName: <String>
        You're missing a [requiredParameter] property. 
  • Sample Response (error) status: 404
{ error: "Cannot add whale/marine animal sighting to database, are you sure we have a planktonic relationship?" }
2. Create Beach

POST path: /api/v1/beaches This Post requires NameMobileWeb(beach name), LocationMobileWeb(beach address), DescriptionMobileWeb(brief description of beach, ex. rocky, sandy, cove, etc.), PARKING(yes or no). Format of POST body:

  "COUNTY": <String>,
  "NameMobileWeb": <String>,
  "LocationMobileWeb": <String>,
  "DescriptionMobileWeb": <String>,
  "PHONE_NMBR": <String>,
  "FEE": <String>,
  "PARKING": <String>,
  • Sample Response (ok) status: 201
{ id: 916}
  • Sample Response (error) status: 422 - When all the parameters are not provided:
{ error: Expected format: {
          "COUNTY": <String>,
          "NameMobileWeb": <String>,
          "LocationMobileWeb": <String>,
          "DescriptionMobileWeb": <String>,
          "PHONE_NMBR": <String>,
          "FEE": <String>,
          "PARKING": <String>,
        }. You're missing a [requiredParameter] property. }
  • Sample Response (error) status: 404
error: "Cannot add beach to the database, looks like it's time to Netflix and krill." 
DELETE endpoints
1. DELETE Whale/Marine Animal Sighting

DELETE path:/api/v1/whale_sightings/:id

  • this only requires the id of the whale/marine animal sighting you want to delete
  • Sample Response (ok) status: 201 - the id of the deleted item will be returned in an object
{ id: 916}
  • Sample Response (error) status: 422
error: "Cannot delete whale/marine animal sighting from database, I'd call the Codfather" 
### API's used: [Whale Museum]( [California Costal Commission](

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