- Seeing the Digital Future (1961)
- How a Computer Works (1962)
- Computing and Computers - Mainframes and Micros Unite - BBC 2 - 1983
- Managing The Micro - Part 2 - Getting In On The Act - 24th May 1981
- Managing The Micro - Part 3 - Towards The Last Frontier - 31st May 1981
- Managing The Micro - Part 4 - On Line - 7th June 1981
- Managing The Micro - Part 5 - The Human Factor - 14th June 1981
- The Computer Programme (1): It's Happening Now (Introduction to Computing)
- The Computer Programme (2): Just One Thing After Another (Basic Processing Concepts)
- The Computer Programme (3): Talking To A Machine (Programming Languages)
- The Computer Programme (4): It's On The Computer (Data Storage & Retrieval)
- The Computer Programme (5): The New Media (Communications & Media)
- The Computer Programme (6): Moving Pictures (Graphics & Animation)
- The Computer Programme (7): Let's Pretend (Computer Modelling & Simulations)
- The Computer Programme (8): The Thinking Machine (Artificial Intelligence)
- The Computer Programme (9): In Control (Computers Controlling Other Equipment)
- The Computer Programme (10): Things To Come (The Future Of Computing)
- Making the Most of the Micro (1): The Versatile Machine
- Making the Most of the Micro (2): Getting Down to BASIC
- Making the Most of the Micro (3): Strings and Things
- Making the Most of the Micro (4): Introducing Graphics
- Making the Most of the Micro (5): Keeping a Record
- Making the Most of the Micro (6), BBC 1983: Getting Down to Business
- Making the Most of the Micro (7): Sounds Interesting
- Making the Most of the Micro (8): Everything Under Control
- Making the Most of the Micro (9): Moving Pictures
- Making the Most of the Micro (10): At the End of the Line
- Computing and Computers - Batch Processing (for Banks) - BBC2 - 1980
- Computer Club: The Computer and the Map Maker - BBC2 - 1983
- Computer Club: The Computer and the TV Producer - BBC2 - 1983
- Computer Club: The Computer and the Transport Planner, 1984
- Computer Club: The Computer and the Mariner - BBC2 - 1984
- 'System Technology' – System Development Corporation (1960)
- Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks (1963)
- Ellis D. Kropotechev and Zeus, This marvelous time-sharing system. 1967 (VPRI 215)
- UNIX: Making Computers Easier To Use, AT&T Bell Laboratories – 1982
- The UNIX Operating System, AT&T archives
- The Mother of All Demos, presented by Douglas Engelbart (1968)
- 1969 Engelbart Demo - ASIS Conference (1/3)
- 1969 Engelbart Demo - ASIS Conference (2/3)
- 1969 Engelbart Demo - ASIS Conference (3/3)
- Bill Gates demonstrates Visual Basic (1991)
- SAGE Computer Based Air Defense
- Vigilance and Vacuum Tubes: The Sage System, 1956-1963
- Cold War Computing: The SAGE System
- Largest Computer Ever Built: "On Guard: The Story of SAGE" 1956 IBM; Sound Fixed Version
- TX-0, TX-2 and LINC- Early MIT Computers
- Development of the TX-0 at MIT
- TX-0 Computer, MIT, 1956 - 1960
- USAF Air Defense Command System Training Program (STP) 1956 RAND Corp
- Computer for Apollo (Apollo Guidance Computer)
- 1957 Automatic Data Processing - IBM 705 Mainframe Data Center EDPM ARMY Computer
- IBM 705 Mainframe Computer - 1957 - 1960's era Data Processing machines - USAF Military Punch Card
- IBM System 360 Mainframe Computer History Archives 1964 SLT
- Xerox Star CHI85
- Xerox Star 8010 GUI
- Xerox Star Professional Workstation (1981)
- Xerox Star Demo (1/2)
- Xerox Star Demo (2/2)
- Xerox Star User Interface (1982) 1 of 2
- Xerox Star User Interface (1982) 2 of 2
- Alternate Reality Kit by Randall Smith at Xerox PARC 1986 (VPRI-0131)
- Final Demo of the Xerox Star Computer (Part 1 of 2)
- Final Demo of the Xerox Star Computer (Part 2 of 2)
- The Final Demonstration of the Xerox 'Star' computer (CHM)
- The Homebrew Club: Lee Felsenstein, Steve Wozniak, Harry Garland, Bob Marsh, Jef Raskin and Allen Baum
- MITS Altair 8800 Computer, December 1974
- Bill Gates talks about Microsoft and the Altair 8800 (1994)
- The History Of The Commodore Amiga (1992)
- Commodore Amiga 500 Promotional Video
- Tour of Commodore Canada HQ, 1991
- Acorn Archimedes - A Technical Introduction - 1987 BBC VHS Video
- Welcome to the Learning Curve - Acorn BBC Archimedes Computer 1990
- Steve Jobs presentation about Apple (Insanely Great), 1980
- First Public Demonstration of the Macintosh, 1984
- NeXT team brainstorming session, 1985
- NeXT presentation in San Francisco, 1990
- NeXT vs Sun Competition, 1991
- NeXT internal marketing strategy video, 1991
- Ivan Sutherland : Sketchpad Demo (1/2)
- Ivan Sutherland : Sketchpad Demo (2/2)
- GENESYS: An Interactive Computer-Mediated Animation System
- Key Frame Animation
- Information Technology Awareness Programme, 1982: IT in the Home
- Information Technology Awareness Programme, 1982: IT in Shops and Banks
- Information Technology Awareness Programme, 1982: IT in Health
- John Whitney "Catalog" 1961
- John Whitney-Matrix III (1972)
- MAGI Synthavision Demo Reel (1980)
- Marks & Marks Demo Reel (1981)
- Shirogumi Sample Reel (1983)
- Japan Computer Graphics Lab (1984)
- Computer Animation Magic 1986 VHS RIP XViD CG
- Computer Dreams (1988)
- Art of Computer Animation (1988)
- The Mind's Eye (1990)
- Computer Visions, Digital Vision Entertinament, 1991 (HQ, 60p)
- Beyond the Mind's Eye (1992)
- Technology in Education House Committee 10/12/95 (1 of 3) (VPRI 614 1)
- Technology in Education House Committee 10/12/95 (2 of 3) (VPRI 614 2)
- Technology in Education House Committee 10/12/95 (3 of 3) (VPRI 614 3)
- Seymour Papert and Paulo Freire Debate Technology and the Future of Schools
- Constructionism in 21st Century Classrooms
- Computers in Education - A Guide for Parents - 1993 - Acorn Computers
- Alan Kay – Computer Applications: A Dynamic Medium for Creative Thought 1972 (VPRI 893)
- Alan Kay – Education in the Digital Age (VPRI 0673)
- Alan Kay – Logo and Smalltalk (VPRI 0575)
- Alan Kay - Remembering Seymour Papert
- Seymour Papert (1972)
- Talking Turtle 1, 1983
- Talking Turtle 2, 1983
- Talking Turtle 3, 1983
- Talking Turtle 4, 1983
- Talking Turtle 5, 1983
- Seymour Papert: Children Mathematics and Computers 1983 (VPRI 0163)
- Mathland - Seymour Papert
- Seymour Papert on Idea Aversion
- VPRI-0857 Seymour Papert on Logo: Teaching
- VPRI-0856 Seymour Papert on Logo: Images of Recursion
- Seymour Papert – MIT Medial Lab Interactive Disc Excerpt (1986)
- Seymour Papert Interview
- Learning from Seymour Papert
- Multimedia on Ethernet, lecture by Paul Sherer
- The 100Mbps Ethernet Standard, Paul Sherer
- Roadkill on the Information Highway, lecture by Nathan Myhrvold
- BBC TV - Interactive Opportunities (Early Multimedia) - Michaela Strachan