Goal: to gain practical experience in implementing event-sourcing systems and applying the principles of CQRS.
To implement an information system for a fitness center. The clients of the fitness center can buy and prolong their membership. When entering and leaving the fitness center, the client is obliged to attach a membership card for the passage. The system allows you to build a variety of reports based on statistics collected in the course of the service.
The system consists of three parts:
- Web service for a manager, allows to
View information about subscriptions (by number)
Issue and renew cards
- Reporting service, allows you to
View attendance statistics by day
Calculate the average frequency and duration of visits
- Input/output module
Lets the customer in if he has a valid season ticket
saves the client's entry/exit time in the database
The system should be based on an event-sourcing approach
Commands and requests must be strictly separated (CQRS-principle)
Events themselves should be stored in a persistent repository.
The service for the manager and the input/output module do not have a separate database, and when The request pulls all the events of the subscription from the storage of events, aggregating them on the fly.
The reporting service, on the contrary, calculates statistics on startup and stores them in memory, It is updated with the new events (but it is possible to store them in a separate persistent (but it is possible to store it in a separate persistent storage).