Compile queries in terms of Datalog and SQL languages for the "University" database, allowing to receive:
- Information about students (StudentId, StudentName, GroupId)
- With the specified name (:StudentName);
- Students in the given group (:GroupName);
- With the given grade (:Mark) in the discipline (:CourseName).
- Full information about students (StudentId, StudentName, GroupName)
- For all students;
- Students who do not have a grade in the subject :CourseName;
- Students who do not have a grade in a subject :CourseName; students who have a grade in a subject.
- Students and courses such that a student has had a course (either planned or graded) :CourseName; Students who have no grade in a subject :CourseName.
- Identifiers;
- Name and title.
- Student Identifiers by Teacher (:LecturerName)
- Who have at least one teacher's grade;
- Not having a single grade from the instructor;
- Those who have grades in all subjects by the instructor;
- Those who have grades in all subjects that the instructor has administered to the student.
- Groups and courses such that all students in a group have completed a course.
- Identifiers;
- Titles.