It is up for debate whether name inference should be ever enabled by default. If so, it would have to be with runtime mode, and that would come with a significant performance cost. We should still remove it from experimental stage once the feature gets battle tested enough.
The plan generation should be moved out of experimental stage once it is stable enough.
Provide replaceable placeholders in a form of {{ <placeholder_name> }}
which would allow an easy access to common variables used when constructing
error messages and descriptions like WithDescription
Unlike Fluent Validation,
we would opt for double curly braces as to meet the Go templates standard.
It is up to debate whether to use Go templates or simply strings.Replace
Go templates would definitely provide more flexibility but might come at
a higher performance cost.
Allow defining different locales for error messages.
The linter could parse generated validation plan and enforce customizable rules. For instance, if a property has no name, it would raise an error.