- #90 Uptime Conversions.
- #102 Add Ansible mapping for Nokia SrOS.
- #105 Add min_grouping_sizing to vlanlist_to_config method.
- #106 Add Nokia SrOS Config Parser.
- #104 Optimize vlanconfig_to_list using builtin Regex methods.
- #99 Fixed decimal place in bits_to_name.
- #107 Fix issue when backup or intended is empty.
- #69 Normalise banner demiliter for IOS to ^C & support parsing delimiter ^
- #79 F5 parser fix for irules with multiline single command lines.
- #83 remove support for old function 'is_fqdn_valid' as prep for 1.0.0
- #76 Added wrapper for Python ipaddress methods for use with Jinja
- #75 Updated Python requirements to be loosened
- #76 Fixed doc errors with ip methods
- #77 Fixed CI pipeline for docker caching
- #33 Add interface range compress function
- #53 Add get peer address function
- #59 Add bandwidth converting function
- #65 Added Docker caching
- #68 Add Fortinet Fortios Parser support
- #64 CI implementation on GitHub actions
- #52 Update pyproject.toml build-server
- #55 update version in toml and init files
- #63 Fix lack of zero padding on ip to binary conversion
- #70 Fix lack of zero padding on ip to hex conversion
- #68 Update Black pinning
- #45 Added a jinja2 convenience function
- #46 Updated NAPALM Maps to include community drivers
- #49 Fix read the docs
- #35 TCP/UDP Mappings
- #31 Interface range expansion
- #28 IPv6 Functionality to IP Module
- #34 Interface sorting
- #39 Updated docs to include automation library mappings
- #41 Updated docs to include tcp/udp mappings
- Corrected contribution and attribution docs
- #16 Cisco ASA Parser.
- #17 Update interface mapping for Sync, TenGig, Port-channel.
- Enable docsting tests
- Fix docstring tests
- Fix wording and links on README
- Changed name of is_fqdn_valid to is_fqdn_resolvable, prepare to deprecate is_fqdn_valid
- Removed automatic import of all functions on initiation of package
- Moved interface mappings from variables to constants
- Update travis configuration to release a new version from CI/CD pipeline
Initial release