4.0.4 (2023-08-17)
- create a parser for nchs bundle of bundles creating the java objects with correct type in a list (#57) (d4bb552)
- correct YesNo code system url (9124807)
- ensure proper handling of unknown times in fhir structure for da… (#68) (4eb19fb)
- missing Unknown and Other in the PlaceOfDeath ValueSet definition (#62) (90a00fd)
- remove extra space (012bb43)
- update block_count to be an unsigned int for DeathRecordVoidMessage (#64) (f8ae237)
- Update and sync examples files (json and xml) with IG as follows:
- Revert removal of transportation role as a component of injury incident (but keeping removal as a no longer valid profile)
- Update cause of death coding and demographic coding message eventUri to match IG
- Update and sync examples files (json and xml) with IG as follows:
- Remove Transport Role and its references
- Remove Death Certificate Reference and its references
- Remove Death Pronouncement Performer and its references
- Remove Decedent Employment History and its references
- Remove Cause of Death Pathway and its references
- Change Mortician, Funeral Home Director, Funeral Service Licensee to us-core-practitioner
- Change Interested Party to us-core-organization
- Change Decendent Pregnancy to decedent-pregnancy-status
- Change Cause of Death Condition to cause-of-death-part1
- Change Cause of Death Condition Contributing Death to cause-of-death-part2
- Sync of race and ethnicity literal fields with VRDR IG latest build
- Added support for valueTime in Date of Death Pronounced as per VRDR IG
- Removed Mortician class as not useful or used in the library
- Corrected numerous FHIR profile ID and mapping errors
- Race Literal Helper Methods
- Race Literal AlaskanNative typo fix
- Numerous bug fixes found as part of testing certification with UT
- Race Literal handling update as per VRDR IG
- Added support for VRDR Messaging IG
- New package "messaging" for VRDR Messaging IG models
- New package "messaging.util" for messaging helper classes separate from the IG models
- VRDRFhirContext now contains all data structure and messaging definitions and is the primary context use case
- New class VRDRFhirContextDataStructuresOnly is a context class with only the data structure definitions
- New package edu.gatech.chai.VRDR.messaging contains all messaging structure definitions in the IG
- Besides IG classes, messaging also contains BaseMessage and UnknownMessage classes for assisting in message handling
- New class MessagingTest contains thorough messaging tests for VRDR Messaging IG flows
- Test resources now contains FHIR json and xml files for use by the MessagingTest class
- Generic parser method on BaseMessage for parsing bundles and messages
- Added xml and json test files and tests
- Added CauseOfDeath and Demographics coded bundle handling
- Tests complete for all major flows
- Added CLI for generating canary tests
- Added CHANGELOG for tracking changes with each release
- Updated README