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61 lines (39 loc) · 2.07 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (39 loc) · 2.07 KB


Largely inspired by Nic's dotfiles who was inspired by Paul's dotfiles.

This repository contains configuration files (dotfiles) for various tools and applications. By using GNU Stow, these configurations can easily be managed and deployed across different systems.


GNU Stow is a symlink manager that simplifies the management of dotfiles by creating symbolic links from a central directory (this repository) to their target locations in your home directory. This keeps your configurations organized and portable.

For example, if you "stow" the nvim directory, Stow will link its contents into your home directory (e.g., ~/.config/nvim).

Initial Setup

Ensure you have GNU Stow installed on your system. You can install it using your package manager:

  • macOS: brew install stow
  • Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt install stow

Then clone this repo somewhere. Then unstow a configuration. (Not it will error if any files would be overwritten)

For instance running

stow nvim

Will create the following symslink

./dotfiles/nvim/.config/nvim -> ~/.config/nvim

Moving new configs

Create a new directory in the dotfile repo and commit, then running stow will symlink them back into the correct dir!


Unstowing nvim will install lazyvim

Make sure to install latest neovim brew install neovim and a font brew install --cask font-jetbrains-mono-nerd-font

Installing the zsh. will also add a nice theme and some plugins.

When running nvim in a code dir.

The leader key space will bring up a menu with short cuts. For instance

  • space then f (file) then
    • side file explorer e
    • fuzzy file search f
    • terminal t
  • short cut for git commands : then G
    • G commit -m "fea: foobar"
  • fold code under the cursor z then c
  • vertical windows split w then v
  • cut/copy/delete v to start "visual mode" (select text with arrow keys) then
    • y to "yank" copy
    • p to paste
    • d to delete