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Crosspost all of your casts from Farcaster to X

Deploy with Vercel

Getting Started

1. Install Dependencies

First, install local dependencies:

yarn install

2. Add Environment Variables

Then, copy .env.example to a new .env.local file and add the necessary environment variables. Here's some information on where you can find/create the necessary credentials:

Credential(s) Description
NEXT_PUBLIC_NEYNAR_CLIENT_ID and NEYNAR_API_KEY Your Neynar Client ID and API Key can be found on the Neynar Dev Portal on the page for your app(make sure to create an app if you haven't already).
NEYNAR_WEBHOOK_ID and NEYNAR_WEBHOOK_SECRET Go to the Neynar Dev Portal and create a webhook where the target URL is ${YOUR_PROD_URL}/api/webhook. Then grab the webhook's ID and set it as your NEYNAR_WEBHOOK_ID value, as well the webhook's secret value for NEYNAR_WEBHOOK_SECRET.
POSTGRES_URL The connection URL for your Postgres DB. To create all of the tables necessary for this project, run the SQL query in Initial
TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL The callback URL for Twitter authentication. Set this value to ${YOUR_PROD_URL}/api/callback, and make sure to set this on the Twitter/X Developer Portal as well.
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY and TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET The API Key and API Key Secret for your Twitter app, which you find(or create) on the Twitter/X Developer Portal.

3. Run the development server

Finally, run the development server:

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.