Raspberry Pi Kiln Controller
Ripped off from Inspired by https://github.com/jbruce12000/kiln-controller
Warning: this system not yet been tested on a real kiln/oven/furnace. If you somehow manage to get it working in its current state, you use at your own risk! Not intended for exposure to the public internet, for reasons that I hope are obvious.
Caminatus can be used to control kilns and furnaces. It was originally made to test different control theory algorithms, but now only, reliably, incorporates PID control. Eventually fuzzy logic, and other algorithms may be incorporated.
See setup for jbruce12000/kiln-controller for a similar direction for Caminatus.
> ./caminatus --config-file=./path/to/config.yaml \
- a path to a config yaml. An example can be found at
- a path to the folder where schedules are managed
- Rust 1.47.0+
- Nodejs v14+
This was developed primarily with the vs-code remote container and docker. The ./.devcontainer/dockerfile was modified from the rust devcontainer. It includes node/npm, rust/cargo, fish and other utilties to aid in making and testing changes.
- Docker
Caminatus has only been tested on Raspberry Pi Zero and 3, but should be able to work on the other Raspberry Pi models. Builds for Raspberry Pis currently rely on cargo-make. Tasks for building are defined in makefile.toml.
To package changes for Raspberry Pi 1 or Zero:
> cargo make cross-package --profile rpi-0
To package changes for Raspberry Pi 2, 3, or 4:
> cargo make cross-package --profile rpi-4
The resulting archive can be found in ./target/caminautus-(name)-(version).tar.gz
which can be
copied to your device of choice.