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Releases: netbox-community/netbox-chart


19 Dec 08:45
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IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool

What's Changed

  • chore(deps): update docker tag to v4.1.9 by @renovate in #459

Full Changelog: netbox-operator-0.1.2...netbox-5.0.1


18 Dec 23:51
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Operator to manage NetBox resources directly through Kubernetes

What's Changed

  • chore(deps): update netbox docker tag to v5.0.0 by @renovate in #457

Full Changelog: netbox-5.0.0...netbox-operator-0.1.2


18 Dec 16:10
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Operator to manage NetBox resources directly through Kubernetes

What's Changed

  • chore(deps): update common docker tag to v2.28.0 by @renovate in #456

Full Changelog: netbox-5.0.0-beta.172...netbox-operator-0.1.1


18 Dec 15:59
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Operator to manage NetBox resources directly through Kubernetes

What's Changed

Full Changelog: netbox-5.0.0-beta.171...netbox-operator-0.1.0


18 Dec 16:47
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IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool

What's Changed

  • docs: add migration guide from bootc/netbox-chart to netbox-community/netbox-chart by @davidusken in #446
  • Improve database client options templating by @joachimBurket in #439

New Contributors

Full Changelog: netbox-5.0.0-beta.173...netbox-5.0.0-beta.174


18 Dec 16:41
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IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool

What's Changed

  • Improve auth sso_pipeline_roles script with Django settings by @peschmae in #454

New Contributors

Full Changelog: netbox-operator-0.1.1...netbox-5.0.0-beta.173


18 Dec 15:59
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IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool

What's Changed

Full Changelog: netbox-5.0.0-beta.171...netbox-5.0.0-beta.172


18 Dec 13:09
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IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool

What's Changed

  • chore(deps): update redis docker tag to v20.6.0 by @renovate in #453

Full Changelog: netbox-5.0.0-beta.170...netbox-5.0.0-beta.171


18 Dec 10:15
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IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool

What's Changed

  • chore(deps): update postgresql docker tag to v16.3.2 by @renovate in #452

Full Changelog: netbox-5.0.0-beta.169...netbox-5.0.0-beta.170

NetBox Helm Chart v5.0.0

18 Dec 22:08
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What's New?

A large amount of the chart has been cleaned up, updated, polished, and improved, including the use of Bitnami Common for normalizing how configuration is integrated, major updates to dependent charts, and tons of small quality-of-life adjustments to the values.yaml.

It also includes a major uplift of the CI guts to automate releases, handle semver changes, and more.

Upgrade notes

NetBox has been updated to version 4.x. This chart should still work with 3.7.x as well by overriding the image, but it is not officially supported.

Potentially breaking changes

  • The externalDatabase.sslMode setting has been removed and replaced by an options map that can take an arbitrary number of extra PostgreSQL options.
  • The extraContainers setting has been renamed sidecars to match conventions.
  • The extraInitContainers setting has been renamed initContainers to match conventions.
  • The metricsEnabled setting has been renamed metrics.enabled to match conventions.
  • The serviceMonitor setting has been moved to metrics.serviceMonitor to match conventions.
  • The jobResultRetention setting has been renamed jobRetention to match the change in more recent versions of NetBox.
  • The remoteAuth.backend setting has been renamed remoteAuth.backends and is now an array.
  • The remoteAuth.autoCreateUser setting now defaults to false.
  • NAPALM support has been moved into a plugin since NetBox 3.5, so all NAPALM-specific configuration has been removed from this chart.
  • Please consult the NetBox and netbox-docker release notes in case there are any other changes that may affect your configuration.
  • The Bitnami PostgreSQL sub-chart was upgraded from 10.x to 15.x; please read the upstream upgrade notes if you are using the bundled PostgreSQL.
  • The Bitnami Redis sub-chart was upgraded from 15.x to 20.x; please read the upstream upgrade notes if you are using the bundled Redis.

Migration Guide


We still suggest moving to an external, high-availability PostgreSQL and Redis, rather than continuing to use the built-in ones in the chart which exist primarily for ease of trying out a proof-of-concept. Managing PostgreSQL and Redis separately lets you manage them and their versioning outside of the chart release cycle.

Here are the steps you can take to move from the 4.x chart running NetBox 3.2.8 (or higher), to the 5.x chart.

Back Up the PostgreSQL Database

  1. Find the PostgreSQL pod:
    kubectl get pods -A | grep postgres
  2. Dump the database:
    kubectl exec -n <namespace> <pod_name> -- \
        pg_dump --format=custom \
          -cU postgres \
          -d "dbname=netbox" \
          > /tmp/postgresql/netbox.sql

Start a New Temporary PostgreSQL

You will need a temporary PostgreSQL so you can migrate the data before switching to the newer chart.

  1. Bring up a temporary PostgreSQL, either in your cluster using the chart of your choice (postgres-operator, Crunchy Postgres, etc.) or in another machine/VM/whatever.
    PostgreSQL 16 is the highest version supported by the Bitnami chart as of this writing, so if you intend to go back to the built-in chart after migrating, that's the recommended version to work with for now.

  2. Restore the database dump you made earlier into your new PostgreSQL.

    pg_restore -v -Fc -c -U netbox -d netbox < /tmp/netbox.sql
  3. Point NetBox at the temporary database.

    Once your temporary PostgreSQL is started and accessible, update the externalDatabase section of your values.yaml to match the new database and apply it, or update them using helm upgrade:

    helm upgrade netbox \
      --set `` \
      --set `externalDatabase.port=5432` \

Upgrade to NetBox 3.5.9 (if starting with an older version)

If you are currently using a version older than 3.5.9, like the default value of 3.2.8 the current chart defines, then it's best to upgrade to that version first.
3.5.9 is the last release that supports the PostgreSQL 11 version that was provided with the 4.x charts.

  1. Take note of the warning about Deletion of Legacy Data in the NetBox release notes. You must either migrate ASN and contact changes to the new model, or set NETBOX_DELETE_LEGACY_DATA in your values.yaml to allow deletion anyway.
    Alternately, you can use helm upgrade to update the chart with new settings:
    helm upgrade netbox --reuse-values \
      --set 'extraEnvs.NETBOX_DELETE_LEGACY_DATA=1'
  2. Upgrade to NetBox 3.5.9

Update the image to the 3.5.9 tag in values.yaml:

  tag: "3.5.9"

Or, you can use helm upgrade to update in-place:

helm upgrade netbox --reuse-values \
  --set 'image.tag=3.5.9'


You can pass more than one --set option, so you can combine the helm options when updating:

helm upgrade netbox --reuse-values \
  --set 'extraEnvs.NETBOX_DELETE_LEGACY_DATA=1' \
  --set 'image.tag=3.5.9'

Switch to the New Chart Repository


It is recommended that you upgrade to the latest version of each minor release to make sure migrations run successfully, and give enough time for the migrations to finish running before moving to the next version.
Watch your pods and confirm everything is Running before doing the next step.

  1. Once NetBox is back up and talking to the new database, you can upgrade further until you are up-to-date.

  2. Switch to the new chart repository.

    helm upgrade netbox --reuse-values \


Don't forget to check the potentially breaking changes up above.
You may need to re-set some values to match the new schema.

If you are using other tools alongside Helm (like ArgoCD), you might run into additional issues.
IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool

Change Log

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