diff --git a/docs/tutorials/porch-development-environment/README.md b/docs/tutorials/porch-development-environment/README.md
index 44f5ccc2..c91f627a 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/porch-development-environment/README.md
+++ b/docs/tutorials/porch-development-environment/README.md
@@ -3,31 +3,41 @@
This tutorial gives short instructions on how to set up a development environment for Porch. It outlines the steps to get a [kind](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/) cluster up
and running to which a Porch instance running in Visual Studio Code can connect to and interact with.
+> **_NOTE:_** The code itself can be run on a remote VM and we can use the [VSCode Remote SSH](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh) plugin to connect to it as our Dev environment.
# Setup kind with MetalLB and Gitea
Follow steps 1-5 inclusive of the [Starting with Porch](https://github.com/nephio-project/porch/tree/main/docs/tutorials/starting-with-porch) tutorial. You now have two Kind clusters `management` and `edge1` running with Gitea installed on the `management` cluster. Gitea has the repositories `management` and `edge1` defined.
-> **_NOTE:_** This [setup script](bin/setup.sh) automates steps 1-5 of the Starting with Porch tutorial. You may need to adapt this script to your local environment.
+> **_NOTE:_** This [setup script](bin/setup.sh) automates steps 1-5 of the Starting with Porch tutorial. You may need to adapt this script to your local environment and also have [pre requisites](https://github.com/nephio-project/porch/tree/main/docs/tutorials/starting-with-porch#prerequisites) installed on the target machine.
> **_NOTE:_** This [cleardown script script](bin/cleardown.sh) clears everything down by deleting the `management` and `edge1` Kind clusters. USE WITH CARE.
+Switch to use the kind-management context if necessary:
+kubectl config use-context kind-management
You can reach the Gitea web interface on the address reported by the following command:
kubectl get svc -n gitea gitea
+Sample output:
gitea LoadBalancer 22:31260/TCP,3000:31012/TCP 8m35s
# Install the Porch function runner
-The Porch server requires that the Porch function runner is executing. To install the Porch function runner on the Kind management cluster, execute the following commands.
+The Porch server requires that the Porch function runner is executing. To install the Porch function runner on the Kind management cluster, execute the following commands:
-kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/catalog/main/nephio/core/porch/0-packagerevs.yaml
-kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/catalog/main/nephio/core/porch/0-packagevariants.yaml
-kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/catalog/main/nephio/core/porch/0-packagevariantsets.yaml
-kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/catalog/main/nephio/core/porch/0-repositories.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/catalog/main/nephio/core/porch/1-namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/catalog/main/nephio/core/porch/2-function-runner.yaml
@@ -41,42 +51,87 @@ The Porch function runner should now be executing:
kubectl get pod -n porch-system --selector=app=function-runner
+Sample output:
function-runner-67d4c7c7b-7wm97 1/1 Running 0 16m
function-runner-67d4c7c7b-czvvq 1/1 Running 0 16m
-Expose the `function-runner` service so that the Porch server running in Visual Studio Code can reach it, change the service type from `ClusterIP` to `LoadBalancer`:
+Expose the `function-runner` service so that the Porch server running in Visual Studio Code can reach it. Patch the service type from `ClusterIP` to `LoadBalancer`:
-kubectl edit svc -n porch-system function-runner
-< type: ClusterIP
-> type: LoadBalancer
+kubectl patch svc -n porch-system function-runner -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
-Now check that the `function-runner` service has been assigned an IP address external to the cluster:
+Check that the `function-runner` service has been assigned an external IP address:
kubectl get svc -n porch-system function-runner
+Sample output:
function-runner LoadBalancer 9445:31794/TCP 22m
-# Install Porch resources for standalone execution
+# Install the Porch CRDs
-The Porch server requires that the following resources are defined in the K8S cluster where it is executed:
+The Custom Resource Definitions can be applied to the cluster from the upstream porch kpt pkg as follows:
+kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/catalog/main/nephio/core/porch/0-packagerevs.yaml
+kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/catalog/main/nephio/core/porch/0-packagevariants.yaml
+kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/catalog/main/nephio/core/porch/0-packagevariantsets.yaml
+kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/catalog/main/nephio/core/porch/0-repositories.yaml
-- The `porch-system` namespace, an API Service called `apiservice.apiregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1.porch.kpt.dev` and the `service.api` service to expose the API Service. These resources are defined in the the file `deployments/local/localconfig.yaml`
-- The `repositories.config.porch.kpt.dev` and `functions.config.porch.kpt.dev` CRDs. These CRDs are defined in the `api/porchconfig/v1alpha1/` directory.
-- The `packagerevs.config.porch.kpt.dev` CRD. This CRD is defined in the `internal/api/porchinternal/v1alpha1/` directory.
+Check the entries:
+kubectl get crd | grep porch
+Sample output:
+packagerevs.config.porch.kpt.dev 2024-03-11T15:07:12Z
+packagevariants.config.porch.kpt.dev 2024-03-11T15:07:12Z
+packagevariantsets.config.porch.kpt.dev 2024-03-11T15:07:13Z
+repositories.config.porch.kpt.dev 2024-03-11T15:07:14Z
+These new `resources` are now also visible wihtin the kubernetes api-resources:
+kubectl api-resources | grep -i porch
+Sample output:
+packagerevs config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1 true PackageRev
+packagevariants config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1 true PackageVariant
+packagevariantsets config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha2 true PackageVariantSet
+repositories config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1 true Repository
+# Deploy the porch APIService resources
+The Porch api server requires that the following resources are defined in the K8S cluster where it is executed:
+- A `porch-system` namespace
+- An APIService called `apiservice.apiregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1.porch.kpt.dev`
+- A `service.api` service to route the API Service requests.
+Slight differences in docker networking require a secific setup depending on the host OS.
+## Mac OS example
+Docker networking on Mac allows traffic to be routed via a default DNS name `host.docker.internal`, which is not available on Linux.
+A sample configuration is available at `deployments/local/localconfig.yaml`
+Apply the KRM:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/porch/main/deployments/local/localconfig.yaml
-kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/porch/main/api/porchconfig/v1alpha1/config.porch.kpt.dev_repositories.yaml
-kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/porch/main/api/porchconfig/v1alpha1/config.porch.kpt.dev_functions.yaml
-kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nephio-project/porch/main/internal/api/porchinternal/v1alpha1/config.porch.kpt.dev_packagerevs.yaml
Verify that the resources have been created
@@ -87,15 +142,81 @@ packagevariants config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
packagevariantsets config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha2 true PackageVariantSet
repositories config.porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1 true Repository
+## Linux OS example
+Linux docker networking between `kind` clusters and the host processes require the traffic to be routed through the default docker bridge. See [here](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind/issues/1200#issuecomment-1532192361) for more details.
+Apply the following resources:
+kubectl apply -f - <
+# Configure VSCode to run the Porch (api)server
+From the root of your checked out Porch repo.
Edit your local `.vscode.launch.json` file as follows:
-1. Change the `--kubeconfig` value to point at your local Kind cluster configuration file.
-2. Change the `--function-runner` IP address to that of the function runner service running in the Kind `management` cluster.
-3. You can specify `KUBECONFIG` in the `env` section of the configuration instead of using the `--kubeconfig` flag.
+1. Change the `--kubeconfig` value to point at your management cluster configuration file.
+2. Change the `--function-runner` IP address to the external IP of the function runner service running in the `management` cluster.
+3. You can alternatively specify `KUBECONFIG` in an `env` section of the configuration instead of using the `--kubeconfig` flag.
@@ -119,16 +240,257 @@ Edit your local `.vscode.launch.json` file as follows:
You can now launch the Porch server locally in VSCode by selecting the "Launch Server" configuration on the VSCode "Run and Debug" window. for
more information please refer to the [VSCode debugging documentation](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/debugging).
+Sample output
+kubectl patch svc -n porch-system function-runner -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'Starting: /home/ubuntu/go/bin/dlv dap --listen= --log-dest=3 from /home/ubuntu/porch/cmd/porch
+DAP server listening at:
+Type 'dlv help' for list of commands.
+I0311 15:53:26.802270 2101307 dynamic_serving_content.go:113] "Loaded a new cert/key pair" name="serving-cert::apiserver.local.config/certificates/apiserver.crt::apiserver.local.config/certificates/apiserver.key"
+W0311 15:53:26.963694 2101307 authentication.go:339] No authentication-kubeconfig provided in order to lookup client-ca-file in configmap/extension-apiserver-authentication in kube-system, so client certificate authentication won't work.
+W0311 15:53:26.963716 2101307 authentication.go:363] No authentication-kubeconfig provided in order to lookup requestheader-client-ca-file in configmap/extension-apiserver-authentication in kube-system, so request-header client certificate authentication won't work.
+W0311 15:53:26.963878 2101307 recommended.go:152] Neither kubeconfig is provided nor service-account is mounted, so APIPriorityAndFairness will be disabled
+I0311 15:53:26.963942 2101307 maxinflight.go:140] "Initialized nonMutatingChan" len=400
+I0311 15:53:26.963953 2101307 maxinflight.go:146] "Initialized mutatingChan" len=200
+I0311 15:53:26.963979 2101307 timing_ratio_histogram.go:202] "TimingRatioHistogramVec.NewForLabelValuesSafe hit the inefficient case" fqName="apiserver_flowcontrol_read_vs_write_current_requests" labelValues=[executing readOnly]
+I0311 15:53:26.963990 2101307 timing_ratio_histogram.go:202] "TimingRatioHistogramVec.NewForLabelValuesSafe hit the inefficient case" fqName="apiserver_flowcontrol_read_vs_write_current_requests" labelValues=[executing mutating]
+I0311 15:53:26.964000 2101307 maxinflight.go:117] "Set denominator for readonly requests" limit=400
+I0311 15:53:26.964006 2101307 maxinflight.go:121] "Set denominator for mutating requests" limit=200
+I0311 15:53:26.964030 2101307 config.go:762] Not requested to run hook priority-and-fairness-config-consumer
+I0311 15:53:26.966686 2101307 loader.go:373] Config loaded from file: /home/ubuntu/.kube/kind-management-config
+I0311 15:53:26.967652 2101307 round_trippers.go:463] GET
+I0311 15:53:26.967666 2101307 round_trippers.go:469] Request Headers:
+I0311 15:53:26.967672 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] Accept: application/json;g=apidiscovery.k8s.io;v=v2beta1;as=APIGroupDiscoveryList,application/json
+I0311 15:53:26.967677 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] User-Agent: __debug_bin3534874763/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
+I0311 15:53:26.975046 2101307 round_trippers.go:574] Response Status: 200 OK in 7 milliseconds
+I0311 15:53:26.975945 2101307 round_trippers.go:463] GET
+I0311 15:53:26.975958 2101307 round_trippers.go:469] Request Headers:
+I0311 15:53:26.975964 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] Accept: application/json;g=apidiscovery.k8s.io;v=v2beta1;as=APIGroupDiscoveryList,application/json
+I0311 15:53:26.975968 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] User-Agent: __debug_bin3534874763/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
+I0311 15:53:26.976802 2101307 round_trippers.go:574] Response Status: 200 OK in 0 milliseconds
+I0311 15:53:26.979575 2101307 loader.go:373] Config loaded from file: /home/ubuntu/.kube/kind-management-config
+I0311 15:53:26.979853 2101307 grpcruntime.go:41] Dialing grpc function runner ""
+I0311 15:53:26.979897 2101307 clientconn.go:318] "[core] [Channel #1] Channel created\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.979924 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1] original dial target is: \"\"\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.979941 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1] dial target \"\" parse failed: parse \"\": first path segment in URL cannot contain colon\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.979951 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1] fallback to scheme \"passthrough\"\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.979974 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1] parsed dial target is: {URL:{Scheme:passthrough Opaque: User: Host: Path:/ RawPath: OmitHost:false ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment: RawFragment:}}\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.979990 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1] Channel authority set to \"\"\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.980145 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1] Resolver state updated: {\n \"Addresses\": [\n {\n \"Addr\": \"\",\n \"ServerName\": \"\",\n \"Attributes\": null,\n \"BalancerAttributes\": null,\n \"Metadata\": null\n }\n ],\n \"Endpoints\": [\n {\n \"Addresses\": [\n {\n \"Addr\": \"\",\n \"ServerName\": \"\",\n \"Attributes\": null,\n \"BalancerAttributes\": null,\n \"Metadata\": null\n }\n ],\n \"Attributes\": null\n }\n ],\n \"ServiceConfig\": null,\n \"Attributes\": null\n} (resolver returned new addresses)\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.980192 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1] Channel switches to new LB policy \"pick_first\"\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.980251 2101307 pickfirst.go:141] "[core] [pick-first-lb 0xc001813980] Received new config {\n \"shuffleAddressList\": false\n}, resolver state {\n \"Addresses\": [\n {\n \"Addr\": \"\",\n \"ServerName\": \"\",\n \"Attributes\": null,\n \"BalancerAttributes\": null,\n \"Metadata\": null\n }\n ],\n \"Endpoints\": [\n {\n \"Addresses\": [\n {\n \"Addr\": \"\",\n \"ServerName\": \"\",\n \"Attributes\": null,\n \"BalancerAttributes\": null,\n \"Metadata\": null\n }\n ],\n \"Attributes\": null\n }\n ],\n \"ServiceConfig\": null,\n \"Attributes\": null\n}\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.980284 2101307 clientconn.go:962] "[core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #2] Subchannel created\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.980300 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1] Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.980365 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #2] Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.980395 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #2] Subchannel picks a new address \"\" to connect\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.980492 2101307 pickfirst.go:184] "[core] [pick-first-lb 0xc001813980] Received SubConn state update: 0xc001813bc0, {ConnectivityState:CONNECTING ConnectionError:}\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.980803 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #2] Subchannel Connectivity change to READY\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.980831 2101307 pickfirst.go:184] "[core] [pick-first-lb 0xc001813980] Received SubConn state update: 0xc001813bc0, {ConnectivityState:READY ConnectionError:}\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.980845 2101307 logging.go:43] "[core] [Channel #1] Channel Connectivity change to READY\n"
+I0311 15:53:26.994444 2101307 apiserver.go:297] Cert storage dir not provided, skipping webhook setup
+I0311 15:53:26.994524 2101307 background.go:52] Background routine starting ...
+I0311 15:53:26.996985 2101307 healthz.go:176] Installing health checkers for (/healthz): "ping","log","poststarthook/max-in-flight-filter","poststarthook/storage-object-count-tracker-hook"
+I0311 15:53:26.997336 2101307 healthz.go:176] Installing health checkers for (/livez): "ping","log","poststarthook/max-in-flight-filter","poststarthook/storage-object-count-tracker-hook"
+I0311 15:53:26.997732 2101307 healthz.go:176] Installing health checkers for (/readyz): "ping","log","poststarthook/max-in-flight-filter","poststarthook/storage-object-count-tracker-hook","shutdown"
+I0311 15:53:26.998191 2101307 genericapiserver.go:484] MuxAndDiscoveryComplete has all endpoints registered and discovery information is complete
+I0311 15:53:26.998572 2101307 dynamic_serving_content.go:132] "Starting controller" name="serving-cert::apiserver.local.config/certificates/apiserver.crt::apiserver.local.config/certificates/apiserver.key"
+I0311 15:53:26.998666 2101307 tlsconfig.go:200] "Loaded serving cert" certName="serving-cert::apiserver.local.config/certificates/apiserver.crt::apiserver.local.config/certificates/apiserver.key" certDetail="\"localhost@1709900706\" [serving] validServingFor=[,localhost,localhost] issuer=\"localhost-ca@1709900706\" (2024-03-08 11:25:05 +0000 UTC to 2025-03-08 11:25:05 +0000 UTC (now=2024-03-11 15:53:26.998640146 +0000 UTC))"
+I0311 15:53:26.998865 2101307 named_certificates.go:53] "Loaded SNI cert" index=0 certName="self-signed loopback" certDetail="\"apiserver-loopback-client@1710172406\" [serving] validServingFor=[apiserver-loopback-client] issuer=\"apiserver-loopback-client-ca@1710172406\" (2024-03-11 14:53:26 +0000 UTC to 2025-03-11 14:53:26 +0000 UTC (now=2024-03-11 15:53:26.998844612 +0000 UTC))"
+I0311 15:53:26.998890 2101307 secure_serving.go:210] Serving securely on [::]:9443
+I0311 15:53:26.998906 2101307 genericapiserver.go:589] [graceful-termination] waiting for shutdown to be initiated
+I0311 15:53:26.998920 2101307 tlsconfig.go:240] "Starting DynamicServingCertificateController"
+I0311 15:53:27.333650 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1/packagerevisions" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:27.333969 2101307 round_trippers.go:463] GET
+I0311 15:53:27.333982 2101307 round_trippers.go:469] Request Headers:
+I0311 15:53:27.333990 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] Accept: application/json, */*
+I0311 15:53:27.333995 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] User-Agent: __debug_bin3534874763/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
+I0311 15:53:27.335504 2101307 round_trippers.go:574] Response Status: 200 OK in 1 milliseconds
+I0311 15:53:27.336224 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="LIST" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1/packagerevisions?limit=500&resourceVersion=0" latency="2.73421ms" userAgent="kube-controller-manager/v1.29.2 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/4b8e819/metadata-informers" audit-ID="2bcc1626-35fb-495b-a4cf-fd99a83c7689" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:53:27.337502 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1/packagerevisions" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:27.337598 2101307 get.go:257] "Starting watch" path="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1/packagerevisions" resourceVersion="" labels="" fields="" timeout="9m23s"
+I0311 15:53:27.337712 2101307 watchermanager.go:93] added watcher 0xc001a99080; there are now 1 active watchers and 1 slots
+I0311 15:53:27.337793 2101307 round_trippers.go:463] GET
+I0311 15:53:27.337803 2101307 round_trippers.go:469] Request Headers:
+I0311 15:53:27.337809 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] Accept: application/json, */*
+I0311 15:53:27.337813 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] User-Agent: __debug_bin3534874763/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
+I0311 15:53:27.338998 2101307 round_trippers.go:574] Response Status: 200 OK in 1 milliseconds
+I0311 15:53:27.339083 2101307 watch.go:201] watch 0xc0025eb8f0: moving watch into streaming mode after sentAdd 0, sentBacklog 0, sentNewBacklog 0
+I0311 15:53:27.995010 2101307 background.go:76] Starting watch ...
+I0311 15:53:27.995248 2101307 round_trippers.go:463] GET
+I0311 15:53:27.995260 2101307 round_trippers.go:469] Request Headers:
+I0311 15:53:27.995268 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] Accept: application/json, */*
+I0311 15:53:27.995273 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] User-Agent: __debug_bin3534874763/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
+I0311 15:53:27.996235 2101307 round_trippers.go:574] Response Status: 200 OK in 0 milliseconds
+I0311 15:53:27.996299 2101307 background.go:88] Watch successfully started.
+I0311 15:53:29.226891 2101307 handler.go:133] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis
+I0311 15:53:29.227219 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis" latency="433.918µs" userAgent="" audit-ID="8a1a3928-6cb3-4cc1-87b2-1650858cbe05" srcIP="" resp=406
+I0311 15:53:29.227817 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:29.228088 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" latency="394.332µs" userAgent="" audit-ID="7d0e929b-2f88-40de-8332-6070b1511f1e" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:53:29.318292 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:29.318395 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:29.318402 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:29.318466 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" latency="265.744µs" userAgent="Go-http-client/2.0" audit-ID="75639942-377e-4154-8415-68a76ef6f3d4" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:53:29.318478 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:29.318527 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" latency="197.304µs" userAgent="Go-http-client/2.0" audit-ID="ae8435b4-c8db-4660-86c5-19cd8305459e" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:53:29.318562 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" latency="267.733µs" userAgent="Go-http-client/2.0" audit-ID="eda93660-81fa-4528-b30c-17769417f8b0" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:53:29.318589 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" latency="163.598µs" userAgent="Go-http-client/2.0" audit-ID="df104da4-f2a8-4ac9-a18f-016efc24cd5d" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:53:29.318593 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:29.318746 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" latency="220.87µs" userAgent="Go-http-client/2.0" audit-ID="1b821621-376c-494c-8490-4646d04a88e0" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:53:29.320659 2101307 secure_serving.go:296] http: TLS handshake error from EOF
+I0311 15:53:29.320719 2101307 secure_serving.go:296] http: TLS handshake error from EOF
+I0311 15:53:59.314770 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:59.314797 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:59.314774 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:59.314774 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:59.314996 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" latency="400.618µs" userAgent="Go-http-client/2.0" audit-ID="82ea0403-a6b2-4222-abb4-de91f0d26a0c" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:53:59.315027 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" latency="394.241µs" userAgent="Go-http-client/2.0" audit-ID="3e956684-e5aa-48ab-a2c3-fb896ef80017" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:53:59.314996 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" latency="368.308µs" userAgent="Go-http-client/2.0" audit-ID="6f327a77-a5bb-4eec-b632-8ef9300d7472" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:53:59.314777 2101307 handler.go:143] porch-apiserver: GET "/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
+I0311 15:53:59.315181 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" latency="587.412µs" userAgent="Go-http-client/2.0" audit-ID="ab5efec5-0f49-41fb-a058-b64d96933437" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:53:59.315200 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1" latency="594.044µs" userAgent="Go-http-client/2.0" audit-ID="eecef25f-6825-4be7-94c9-86cc7e1966d4" srcIP="" resp=200
+I0311 15:54:00.364529 2101307 handler.go:153] porch-apiserver: GET "/openapi/v2" satisfied by nonGoRestful
+I0311 15:54:00.364560 2101307 pathrecorder.go:241] porch-apiserver: "/openapi/v2" satisfied by exact match
+I0311 15:54:00.380302 2101307 handler.go:153] porch-apiserver: GET "/openapi/v2" satisfied by nonGoRestful
+I0311 15:54:00.380326 2101307 pathrecorder.go:241] porch-apiserver: "/openapi/v2" satisfied by exact match
+I0311 15:54:00.380694 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/openapi/v2" latency="16.285147ms" userAgent="" audit-ID="35d93c8e-31a0-4b5e-8f5b-6bc76760b905" srcIP="" resp=304
+I0311 15:54:00.380740 2101307 httplog.go:132] "HTTP" verb="GET" URI="/openapi/v2" latency="540.523µs" userAgent="" audit-ID="b313e554-539d-4e3d-b4e0-223c2baf5a48" srcIP="" resp=304
+I0311 15:54:26.995316 2101307 background.go:115] Background task 2024-03-11 15:54:26.995287314 +0000 UTC m=+60.349999574
+I0311 15:54:26.995356 2101307 background.go:188] background-refreshing repositories
+I0311 15:54:26.995487 2101307 round_trippers.go:463] GET
+I0311 15:54:26.995496 2101307 round_trippers.go:469] Request Headers:
+I0311 15:54:26.995504 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] Accept: application/json, */*
+I0311 15:54:26.995509 2101307 round_trippers.go:473] User-Agent: __debug_bin3534874763/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format
+I0311 15:54:26.997313 2101307 round_trippers.go:574] Response Status: 200 OK in 1 milliseconds
+Check that the apiservice is now Ready:
+kubectl get apiservice v1alpha1.porch.kpt.dev
+Sample output:
+v1alpha1.porch.kpt.dev porch-system/api True 18m
+Check the porch api-resources:
+We should now also have the `porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1` resources available
+kubectl api-resources | grep porch
+Sample output:
+functions porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1 true Function
+packagerevisionresources porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1 true PackageRevisionResources
+packagerevisions porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1 true PackageRevision
+packages porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1 true Package
+Check to ensure that the apiserver is serving requests:
+curl https://localhost:9443/apis/porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1 -k
+Sample output
+ "kind": "APIResourceList",
+ "apiVersion": "v1",
+ "groupVersion": "porch.kpt.dev/v1alpha1",
+ "resources": [
+ {
+ "name": "functions",
+ "singularName": "",
+ "namespaced": true,
+ "kind": "Function",
+ "verbs": [
+ "get",
+ "list"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "packagerevisionresources",
+ "singularName": "",
+ "namespaced": true,
+ "kind": "PackageRevisionResources",
+ "verbs": [
+ "get",
+ "list",
+ "patch",
+ "update"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "packagerevisions",
+ "singularName": "",
+ "namespaced": true,
+ "kind": "PackageRevision",
+ "verbs": [
+ "create",
+ "delete",
+ "get",
+ "list",
+ "patch",
+ "update",
+ "watch"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "packagerevisions/approval",
+ "singularName": "",
+ "namespaced": true,
+ "kind": "PackageRevision",
+ "verbs": [
+ "get",
+ "patch",
+ "update"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "packages",
+ "singularName": "",
+ "namespaced": true,
+ "kind": "Package",
+ "verbs": [
+ "create",
+ "delete",
+ "get",
+ "list",
+ "patch",
+ "update"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
# Create Repositories using your local Porch server
-To connect Gitea to Porch follow [step 7 in the Starting with Porch](https://github.com/nephio-project/porch/tree/main/docs/tutorials/starting-with-porch#Connect-the-Gitea-repositories-to-Porch) tutorial to create the Gitea and external repositories in Porch.
+To connect Porch to Gitea, follow [step 7 in the Starting with Porch](https://github.com/nephio-project/porch/tree/main/docs/tutorials/starting-with-porch#Connect-the-Gitea-repositories-to-Porch) tutorial to create the repositories in Porch.
You will notice logging messages in VSCode when you run the command `kubectl apply -f porch-repositories.yaml` command.
-You can check that your locally running Porch server has created the repositories by running the `porchctl` command.
+You can check that your locally running Porch server has created the repositories by running the `porchctl` command:
porchctl repo get -A
+Sample output:
edge1 git Package true True
external-blueprints git Package false True https://github.com/nephio-project/free5gc-packages.git
@@ -138,11 +500,15 @@ management git Package false True
You can also check the repositories using kubectl.
-kubectl get repositories -n porch-demo
+kubectl get repositories -n porch-demo
+Sample output:
edge1 git Package true True
external-blueprints git Package false True https://github.com/nephio-project/free5gc-packages.git
management git Package false True
-You now have a locally running Porch server. Happy developing!
\ No newline at end of file
+You now have a locally running Porch (api)server. Happy developing!
\ No newline at end of file