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File metadata and controls

519 lines (337 loc) · 12.9 KB

🎉 v2.0.0-alpha.1 now open!

💥 v2.0.0 development is still early development. We have a lot of known issues.

⚒ Issues are managed in v2 project

📌 Pixel has been renamed as Brightroom

⭐️ If you interested in v2, hit the Star button to motivate us! 🤠

v2(WIP) Brightroom(former: Pixel) - Composable image editor

Pixel v2 provides the following features:

  • Components are built separately and run standalone using an EditingStack.
  • Create your own image editor UI by composing components.
  • EditingStack manages the history of editing and renders images. It's like a headless browser.
  • Wide color editing support

Built-in UI - Fullstack image editor

  • TODO

Built-in UI - Crop editor

Crop Face detection
PhotosCropViewController Face-detection

A simple way to use it


let uiImage: UIImage = ...
let controller = CropViewController(imageProvider: .init(image: uiImage))

controller.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen

controller.handlers.didCancel = { controller in
  controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
controller.handlers.didFinish = { [weak self] controller in
  controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
  controller.editingStack.makeRenderer()?.render { [weak self] image in
    // ✅ handle the result image.

present(controller, animated: true, completion: nil)



Face detection



  • CropView - A view that previews how it crops the image. It supports zooming, scrolling, adjusting the guide and more customizable appearances.
  • BlurryMaskingView - A view that drawing mask shapes with blur.
  • ImagePreviewView - A view that previews the finalized image on EditingStack
  • MetalImageView - A view that displays the image powered by Metal.
  • LoadingBlurryOverlayView - A view that displays a loading-indicator and blurry backdrop view.

Build your own cropping screen

CropView is a component that only supports cropping.

CleanShot 2021-03-08 at 20 51 11


let image: UIImage
let view = CropView(image: image)

let resultImage = view.renderImage()


struct DemoCropView: View {
  let editingStack: EditingStack

  var body: some View {
    VStack {
      // ✅ Display a cropping view
        editingStack: editingStack
      // ✅ Renders a result image from the current editing.
      Button("Done") {
        let image: UIImage = editingStack.makeRenderer().render()
    .onAppear {

LUT (Hald image)

How to create cube data from LUT Image for CIColorCube / CIColorCubeWithColorSpace

Regarding LUT, the format of LUT changed from v2.

We can download the neutral LUT image from lutCreator.js.
Make sure to use HALD 64 SIZE. Currently, CIColorCube supports dimension is up to 64.

Hald is a graphical representation of 3D LUT in a form of a color table which contains all of the color gradations of 3D LUT. If Hald is loaded into editing software and a color correction is applied to it, you can use 3D LUT Creator to convert your Hald into 3D LUT and apply it to a photo or a video in your editor.

Setting up to use LUT in your application

  • WIP


⚠️ Brightroom has not been published in CocoaPods since it's still early development. If you try to use it, following pod commands install libraries to your application.


pod "Brightroom/Engine", "2.0.0-alpha.1"
pod "Brightroom/UI-Classic", "2.0.0-alpha.1"
pod "Brightroom/UI-Crop", "2.0.0-alpha.1"

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", exact: "2.0.0-alpha.1")

(v1) Pixel - Engine • Editor

Image editor and engine using CoreImage

Support Muukii

Hi, I'm working on open-source software with a lot of time. Please help me continue my work. I appreciate it.

In Production


Currently accepting PRs that impement these features.


  • ✈️Pretty Good
  • 🚀Blazing Fast (🌀Anyone help us!)


  • Crop
  • Straighten (🌀Anyone help us!)
  • Perspective (🌀Anyone help us!)



  • ColorCube (Look Up Table)
    • Intensity

⚠️ Currently, Pixel does not contain LUT. Demo app has sample LUTs.

And also, here is interesting article


  • Brightness
  • Contrast
  • Saturation
  • Highlights
  • Shadows
  • Temperature
  • GaussianBlur
  • Vignette
  • Color (Shadows / Highlights)
  • Fade
  • Sharpen
  • Clarity
  • HLS (🌀Anyone help us!)



  • Swift 4.2 (Xcode10+)
  • iOS 10+

Getting Started contains the sample code. Please check out Sources/Demo/EditorViewController.swift.

Create instance of PixelEditViewController

let image: UIImage

let controller = PixelEditViewController(image: image)


  • as Modal

⚠️ Currently we need to wrap the controller with UINavigationController. This is because PixelEditViewController needs a UINavigationBar.

let controller: PixelEditViewController

let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: controller)

self.present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
  • as Push

We can push the controller in UINavigationController.

let controller: PixelEditViewController
self.navigationController.push(controller, animated: true)

Setup Delegate

PixelEditViewController has delegate protocol called PixelEditViewControllerDelegate.

public protocol PixelEditViewControllerDelegate : class {
  func pixelEditViewController(_ controller: PixelEditViewController, didEndEditing editingStack: SquareEditingStack)
  func pixelEditViewControllerDidCancelEditing(in controller: PixelEditViewController)

💡PixelEditViewController does not know how to dismiss or pop by itself. So we need to control PixelEditViewController outside.

Basically, it's like following code, recommend dismiss or pop in methods of delegate.

extension EditorViewController : PixelEditViewControllerDelegate {

  func pixelEditViewController(_ controller: PixelEditViewController, didEndEditing editingStack: SquareEditingStack) {

    self.navigationController?.popToViewController(self, animated: true)

  func pixelEditViewControllerDidCancelEditing(in controller: PixelEditViewController) {
    self.navigationController?.popToViewController(self, animated: true)


Render Image

let editingStack: SquareEditingStack

let image = editingStack.makeRenderer().render(resolution: .full)

Restore editing

We can take current editing as instance of EditingStack from PixelEditViewController.editingStack.

If we want to restore editing after closed PixelEditViewController, we use this.

let editingStack = controller.editingStack
// close editor

// and then when show editor again
let controller = PixelEditViewController(editingStack: editingStack)

Add ColorCubeFilters

We can use LUT(LookUpTable) with CIColorCubeFilter.

LUT is like this (Dimension is 64)

import PixelEngine

let lutImage: UIImage

let filter = FilterColorCube(
  name: "Filter Name",
  identifier: "Filter Identifier",
  lutImage: lutImage,
  dimension: 64

let storage = ColorCubeStorage(filters: [filter])
let controller = PixelEditViewController(image: image, colorCubeStorage: storage)

And also, if we don't specify colorCubeStorage, use default.

// set
ColorCubeStorage.default.filters = filters

// get

Customize Control-UI

We can customize UI for control area.

Customize Built-In Control-UI using override

There is Options struct in PixelEditor. We can create options that fit our usecases.

So, If we need to change ExposureControl, override ExposureControlBase class. Then set that class to Options.

var options = Options.default
options.classes.control.brightnessControl = MyExposureControl.self

let picker = PixelEditViewController(image: image, options: options)

It's like using custom Cell in UICollectionView. If you have any better idea for this, please tell us💡. And also Built-In UI may need expose some properties to customize from subclassing.

Customize whole Control-UI

We can also customize whole UI.

Override options.classes.control.rootControl, then build UI from scratch.

For example, if you don't need the filter section but only the edit mode, you may want to create a control like:

final class EditRootControl : RootControlBase {

   private let containerView = UIView()

   public let colorCubeControl: ColorCubeControlBase

   public lazy var editView = context.options.classes.control.editMenuControl.init(context: context)

   // MARK: - Initializers

   public required init(context: PixelEditContext, colorCubeControl: ColorCubeControlBase) {

       self.colorCubeControl = colorCubeControl

       super.init(context: context, colorCubeControl: colorCubeControl)

       backgroundColor = Style.default.control.backgroundColor

       layout: do {


           containerView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false


               containerView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: containerView.superview!.topAnchor),
               containerView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: containerView.superview!.leftAnchor),
               containerView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: containerView.superview!.rightAnchor),
               containerView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: containerView.superview!.bottomAnchor)

   // MARK: - Functions

   override func didMoveToSuperview() {

       if superview != nil {
           editView.frame = containerView.bounds
           editView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]


And use it this way:

var options = Options.default
options.classes.control.rootControl = EditRootControl.self

let picker = PixelEditViewController(image: image, options: options)

Filter some edit menu

If there are some edit options you don't need in your app, you can choose edit options you want to ignore:

var options = Options.default
options.classes.control.ignoredEditMenu = [.saturation, .gaussianBlur]
let controller = PixelEditViewController.init(image: UIImage(named: "large")!, options: options)


Strings in UI can be localized with L10n.

import PixelEditor

PixelEditor.L10n.done = "保存"

// or
PixelEditor.L10n.done = NSLocalizedString...



Pixel is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'PixelEngine'
pod 'PixelEditor'


For Carthage, add the following to your Cartfile:

github "muukii/Pixel"


If you need more features, please open issue or submit PR! Muukii may not know the approach to take for implementing them, So your PR will be very helpful.


To develop Pixel, setup environment of development with following code.

$ pod install
$ open Pixel.xcworkspace


Muukii ([email protected])


Pixel is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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