The assignment for this week consists of four parts: the first three are obligatory, and the fourth is a bonus one. Include all the files with implemented functions/classes and the report for Tasks 2 (and 4) in your submission.
Implement the function for deterministic sequential printing of N numbers for N processes,
using as a template.
You should be able to test it with torchrun --nproc_per_node N
Pay attention to the output format!
The pipeline you saw in the seminar shows only the basic building blocks of distributed training. Now, let's train something actually interesting!
For this task, let's take the CIFAR-100 dataset and train a model with synchronized Batch Normalization: we aggregate the statistics across all workers during each forward pass.
Importantly, you have to call a communication primitive only once during each forward or backward pass; if you use it more than once, you will only earn up to 4 points for this task. Additionally, you are not allowed to use internal PyTorch functions that compute the backward pass of batch normalization: please implement it manually.
- Also, implement a version of distributed training which is aware of gradient accumulation:
for each batch that doesn't run
, you can avoid the All-Reduce step for gradients altogether. - Compare the performance (in terms of speed, memory footprint, and final quality) of your distributed training pipeline with the one that uses primitives from PyTorch (i.e., torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel and torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm). You need to compare the implementations by training with at least two processes.
- In addition, test the SyncBN layer itself by comparing the results with standard BatchNorm1d and changing
the number of workers (use at least 1 and 4), the size of activations (128, 256, 512, 1024), and the batch size (32, 64).
Compare the results of forward/backward passes with the FP32 inputs from the standard Gaussian distribution and
the loss function that simply sums the outputs over first N/2 samples (N is the total batch size):
a working implementation should have reasonably high
(at least 1e-3). - Finally, measure the GPU time (2+ workers) and the memory footprint of standard SyncBatchNorm and your implementation in the same setup as above.
Provide the results of your experiments in a .ipynb
report and attach it to your code
when submitting the homework. Your report should include a brief experimental setup (if changed)
and the infrastructure description (version of PyTorch, number of processes, type of GPUs, etc.).
Use and as a template.
Until now, we only aggregated the gradients across different workers during training. But what if we want to run distributed validation on a large dataset as well? In this assignment, you have to implement distributed metric aggregation: shard the dataset across different workers (with scatter), compute accuracy for each subset on its respective worker and then average the metric values on the master process.
Also, make one more quality-of-life improvement of the pipeline by logging the loss (and accuracy!) only from the rank-0 process to avoid flooding the standard output of your training command. Submit the training code that includes all enhancements from Tasks 2 and 3.
Using as a template, implement the Ring All-Reduce algorithm
using only point-to-point communication primitives from torch.distributed
Compare it with the provided implementation of Butterfly All-Reduce
and with torch.distributed.all_reduce
in terms of CPU speed, memory usage and the accuracy of averaging.
Specifically, compare custom implementations of All-Reduce with 1–32 workers and compare your implementation of
Ring All-Reduce with torch.distributed.all_reduce
on 1–16 processes and vectors of 1,000–100,000 elements.