Thanks for considering contributing and making our planet easier to explore!
We're excited you would like to contribute to Astrobot! Whether you're finding bugs, adding new features, fixing anything broken, or improving documentation, get started by submitting an issue or pull request!
If you have any questions or ideas, or notice any problems or bugs, first search open issues to see if the issue has already been submitted. We may already be working on the issue. If you think your issue is new, you're welcome to create a new issue.
If you want to submit your own contributions, follow these steps:
- Fork the astrobot repo
- Create a new branch from the branch you'd like to contribute to
- If an issue does't already exist, submit one (see above)
- Create a pull request from your fork into the target branch of the nasa/astrobot repo
- Be sure to mention the corresponding issue number in the PR description, i.e. "Fixes Issue #10"
- Upon submission of a pull request, the Astrobot development team will review the code
- The request will then either be merged, declined, or an adjustment to the code will be requested