As discussed in Building and depending on the chosen options,
several executables are provided (usually found in bin
). Most of these provide
easy-to-use command line tools for the various algorithms. However, some utility
command line tools for evaluation and visualization are also provided.
For algorithms written in MatLab, Bash scripts are provided to easily run the algorithms from the command line. This was mainly used for parameter optimization and evaluation. However, it is recommended to use the corresponding MatLab functions instead.
The same holds for PF, which is writen in Java, and WP, written in Python.
Table of contents:
All command line tools for algorithms in C++ have the following options in common:
$ ../bin/cis_cli --help
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
-i [ --input ] arg folder containing the images to process
# Algorithm specific options ...
-o [ --csv ] arg save segmentation as CSV file
-v [ --vis ] arg visualize contours
-x [ --prefix ] arg output file prefix
-w [ --wordy ] verbose/wordy/debug
is additionally a positional option. The algorithm specific options can
be displayed using the --help
options. For details on the specific options, the reader
is referred to the corresponding publication(s), see here for
The --csv
option will output the superpixel segmentations as .csv
files in
the provided directory, which is created if it does not exist. The naming follows
the naming of the images found in the directory specified by --input
. Similarly,
outputs visualizations in the provided directory, which is also created
if it does not exist.
can be used to specify a prefix, then the output files (CSV files and
visualizations) are prefixed with the given string. --wordy
will cause the
tool to provide more detailed output while running (i.e. be verbose).
$ build
$ cmake ..
$ make
# reSEEDS (built by default)
../bin/reseeds_cli --input ../data/BSDS500/images/test/ --superpixels 1200 --bins 5 --neighborhood 0 --confidence 0.1 --spatial-weight 0 --iterations 25 --color-space 0 -o ../output/reseeds -w
# ERGC (built by default)
$ ../bin/ergc_cli --input ../data/BSDS500/images/test/ --superpixels 1200 --color-space 1 --perturb-seeds 0 --compacity 0 -o ../output/ergc -w
# ETPS (built by default)
../bin/etps_cli --input ../data/BSDS500/images/test/ --superpixels 1200 --regularization-weight 0.01 --length-weight 0.1 --size-weight 1 --iterations 25 -o ../output/etps -w
As part of the benchmark, several tools for evaluation are provided. All of them
are prefixed by eval_
and only depend on lib_eval
converts boundary maps saved as .csv
files to superpixel segmentations as .csv
$ ../bin/eval_boundaries2labels_cli --help
Allowed options:
--help produce help message
-i [ --input-csv ] arg folder containing the CSV files to process
-m [ --input-images ] arg folder containing the corresponding images to
-r [ --overwrite ] Overwrite original files
-o [ --csv ] arg (=output) save segmentation as CSV file
-w [ --wordy ] wordy/verbose
Usage examples:
takes superpixel segmentations as .csv
files and
relabels them such that superpixels represent connected components. The original
files can either be overwritten, or the relabeled superpixel segmentations can
be saved in a separate directory:
$ ../bin/eval_connected_relabel_cli --help
Allowed options:
--help produce help message
-i [ --input-csv ] arg folder containing the corresponding images to
-m [ --input-images ] arg dummy option!
-r [ --overwrite ] Overwrite original files
-o [ --csv ] arg (=output) save segmentation as CSV file
-w [ --wordy ] wordy/verbose
Usage examples:
demonstrates the parameter optimization procedure
used in [1]. The parameters are partly the original parameters used in the paper.
[1] D. Stutz, A. Hermans, B. Leibe.
Superpixels: An Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art.
Computing Research Repository, abs/1612.01601.
Note that it should not be required to use this tool in most cases, unless parameters need to be optimized on new datasets or for new algorithms.
For parameter optimization, the command line tools for all algorithms are normed
in the sense that they provide the parameters -i
and -o
for input and output.
Having a close look at eval_parameter_optimization_cli/main.cpp
shows that
the parameters for the different algorithms are hard-coded, e.g.
* Connector for parameter optimization of reSEEDS.
* @param img_directory
* @param gt_directory
* @param base_directory
void connector_reSEEDS(boost::filesystem::path img_directory,
boost::filesystem::path gt_directory, boost::filesystem::path base_directory,
std::vector<int> superpixels) {
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < superpixels.size(); k++) {
ParameterOptimizationTool tool(img_directory, gt_directory,
base_directory / boost::filesystem::path(std::to_string(superpixels[k])),
RELATIVE_PATH + "/bin/reseeds_cli", FAIR);
tool.addIntegerParameter("superpixels", "--superpixels", std::vector<int>{superpixels[k]});
tool.addIntegerParameter("bins", "--bins", std::vector<int>{1, 3, 5, 7}); // 4
tool.addIntegerParameter("neighborhood", "--neighborhood", std::vector<int>{0, 1}); // 2
tool.addFloatParameter("confidence", "--confidence", std::vector<float>{0.1f}); // 1
tool.addFloatParameter("spatial-weight", "--spatial-weight", std::vector<float>{0.0f, 0.25f, 0.5f}); // 3
tool.addIntegerParameter("iterations", "--iterations", std::vector<int>{1, 10, 25}); // 3
tool.addIntegerParameter("color-space", "--color-space", std::vector<int>{0, 1, 2}); // 3
Also note that the Java path as well as the MatLab path and the directory containing the executables are hard-coded:
std::string RELATIVE_PATH = ".";
std::string MATLAB_EXECUTABLE = "/home/david/MATLAB/R2014b/bin/matlab";
std::string JAVA_EXECUTABLE = "/home/david/jdk-1.8.0_45/release/java";
The executable directory is RELATIVE_PATH + "/bin"
. Then, only the algorithm
needs to be specified together with the remaining options:
$ ../bin/eval_parameter_optimization_cli --help
Allowed options:
--img-directory arg image directory
--gt-directory arg ground truth directory
--base-directory arg base directory
--algorithm arg algorithm to optimize: reseeds,
--depth-directory arg depth directory
--intrinsics-directory arg intrinsics directory
--matlab-executable arg (=../../MATLAB/R2014b/release/matlab)
matlab executable path
--java-executable arg (=../../jdk-1.8.0_45/release/java)
java executable
--not-fair do not use fair parameters
--help produce help message
may the most important tool provided. It bundles all evaluation
metrics. Given a directory containing superpixel segmentations as .csv
and directories with the corresponding images (as .png
, .jpg
or :jpeg
and ground truth segmentations (also as .csv
files), summarizes the performance of
the superpixel segmentations. The provided options are:
$ ../bin/eval_summary_cli --help
Allowed options:
--sp-directory arg superpixel segmentation directory
--img-directory arg image directory
--gt-directory arg ground truth directory
--append-file arg append file
--vis visualize results
--help produce help message
Usage examples can be found in examples/bash
. For examples/bash/
the created summary looks as follows:
Note that some statistics have been omitted here. The results can more easily be analyzed using Excel or Calc:
More usage examples:
- ...
is used to calculate the average metrics
given an evaluation summary. In the ideal case, the --append-file
option for
is used to gather the results for different numbers of superpixels
in a single CSV file. The tool then offers the following options:
$ ../bin/eval_average_cli --help
Allowed options:
--summary-file arg CSV summary file
-o [ --output-file ] arg (=average.csv)
output file
The output might look as follows:
K Rec 1 - UE EV
188.291 0.602725 0.772888 0.717307
296.472 0.658145 0.817905 0.754624
387.935 0.692999 0.837564 0.773384
608.065 0.749924 0.866199 0.802638
794.477 0.783432 0.879694 0.816675
1100.89 0.822392 0.89422 0.833498
1302.86 0.843054 0.900908 0.841242
1302.86 0.843054 0.900908 0.841242
1572.26 0.865465 0.907163 0.849824
1960.33 0.890398 0.913937 0.858543
1960.33 0.890398 0.913937 0.858543
2478.44 0.917414 0.921283 0.867261
3292.52 0.945248 0.928409 0.876992
3292.52 0.945248 0.928409 0.876992
3292.52 0.945248 0.928409 0.876992
4439.47 0.969279 0.934941 0.885738
4439.47 0.969279 0.934941 0.885738
6526.86 0.99025 0.943163 0.896176
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
10.4497 8.74869 14.1893
Where the final numbers correspond to the average metrics.
Usage examples:
can be used to visualize superpixel segmentations
available as .csv
files given the corresponding images:
$ ../bin/eval_visualization_cli --help
Allowed options:
--help produce help message
--csv arg superpixel segmentation (as CSV)
--images arg image
--contours draw contours
--contours-on-white draw contours on white image
--means draw means
--perturbed-means draw perturbed means
--random randomly color
-v [ --vis ] arg (=output) output folder
-x [ --prefix ] arg input and output file prefix
-w [ --wordy ] verbose/wordy/debug
The offered visualizations are: drawing contours along superpixel boundaries, coloring the superpixels by their mean color, coloring the superpixels by their mean colors plus random noise, drawing the contours along superpixel boundaries on a white background, coloring the superpixels with random colors.
Usage examples:
- ...
For parameter optimization purposes, all algorithms implemented in MatLab provide
both a Bash script and a MatLab function. For example, tp_cli
contains both
and tp_cli/tp_cli.m
The MatLab function usually provides the following parameters:
: the input folder containing the images to process.csv_folder
: the output folder to save the superpixel segmentations as.csv
: the output folder for visualizations.prefix
: prefix used to output files (both CSV and visualizations).wordy
: whether to run in verbose mode.
Details on the algorithm specific algorithms can be found in the corresponding
MatLab functions. Usually, all parameters after folder
are optional.
Alternatively, the Bash file usually provides options similar to the options provided by the C++ command line tools:
is the input directory;-o
the output CSV directory;-v
the output visualization directory;- and
for a help message.
An examples:
$ ../tp_cli/ -h
Allowed options:
-i folder to process
# Algorithm specific options ...
-o output folder
-v folder for visualizatioN
-x prefix of output files
-w verbose output
-e path to MatLab executable
-a path to add, usually the lib_seaw path
Additionally, it is required to provide the path to the MatLab functions via -a
in this case the path to tp_cli.m
, as well as the path to the MatLab
executable via -e
Examples of using the Bash scripts:
$ cd examples
$ ../eams_cli/ -i ../data/BSDS500/images/test/ -b 2 -m 50 -r 1 -o ../output/eams -w -a ../eams_cli -e ~/MATLAB/R2015b/bin/matlab
$ ../poise_cli/ -i ../data/BSDS500/images/test/ -s 1200 -t 0.01 -g 2.5 -m 2 -c 0.6 -o ../output/poise -w -a ../poise_cli -e ~/MATLAB/R2015b/bin/matlab
Examples of using the MatLab functions directly:
% Options correspnd to the above call of EAMS.
folder = '../data/BSDS500/images/test/';
bandwidth = 2;
minimum_size = 50;
color_space = 1;
csv_folder = '../output/eams';
vis_folder = ''; # No visualization ...
fprintf('Running EAMS:\n');
fprintf('folder: %s\n', folder);
fprintf('bandwidth: %f\n', bandwidth);
fprintf('minimum_size: %d\n', minimum_size);
fprintf('color_space: %d\n', color_space);
fprintf('csv_folder: %s\n', csv_folder);
fprintf('vis_folder: %s\n', vis_folder);
eams_cli(folder, bandwidth, minimum_size, color_space, csv_folder, vis_folder);
catch e
fprintf([e.message '\n'])
More usage examples:
- ...
PF is the only algorithm written in Java. A Bash script as described above is provided. Alternatively, the algorithm can be run as follows:
java -jar lib_pf/PathFinder.jar data/BSDS500/images/test output/pf 30 1200
WP is the only algorithm written in Python. A Bash script as described above is provided. Alternatively, the algorithm can be called directly using Python:
python lib_wp/ --original_image data/BSDS500/images/test/3096.jpg --superpixels 1200 --weight 10 --output output/wp/