Rspec + Tmux + Rubocop
- <space>rs - Run rspec
- <space>ra - Run rspec spec (all files)
- <space>rn - Run rspec spec (nearest spec)
- <space>rl - Run last spec
- <space>ru - Run full rubocop
Ctrl-P Fuzzy Finder
- <space>t or <space>p
- <space>b search only on buffer
- Ctrl+\ open and close NERDTree
- When open vim, it asks you which pane to attach
- K - search current word
- vv - opens vertical split
- ss - opens horizontal split
- // - clear current search highlight
- Shift-t - Opens a new tab
- gt - Go to next tab
- Tab - In insert mode, start completion
- <space>vr - reload vim configuration
- <space>hl - toggle search highlighting on/off