This document will explain how to contribute to N3UG.Club.Wev. Please read this document to have the best chance of successfully contributing
If you find a bug, or would like to request an enhancement, please create an issue so that the project team can manage the work and plan accordingly.
Before submitting a bug report, ensure that you have looked through the existing Issues for similar problems on the Issues page
If you don't see amything that looks like the issue you want to submit
please copy the following template and submit a new issue
============= START OF TEMPLATE =========================================
Example Title: Program crashes when deleting duplicated user records
Give a detailed description about the issue or error here...
Provide an ordered list of the process to finding and recreating the issue (example below)..
- Click "Admin" then "Users"
- Click the "edit" icon for the first listed User
Describe what you would expect to have resulted from this process...
Describe what you you are currently experiencing from this process and any further information about the issue or error...
Provide any information that may be useful for fixing the issue (Not required, but may be helpful)...
If relevant, include any necessary screenshots that may help someone find and fix the issue...
============= END OF TEMPLATE ===========================================
The preferred method for making and submitting changes is as follows...Following these steps will give your Pull Request the best chance of being accepted.
- If you are addressing an existing issue, make note of the issue #
- Fork the N3UG.Club.Web DEV branch to your local repository
- Clone your local MASTER branch to your development machine
- Compile and run the Application to make sure everything is working as expected
- Make your code changes to add the enhancement or fix the bug
- TEST your code to make sure that not only is your code working, but that you haven't broken anything
- Commit and Push your changes to your local MASTER branch
- Create a Pull Request from your local MASTER branch to the N3UG.Club.Web DEV branch
- IMPORTANT !!! MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE THE ISSUE NUMBER AT THE END OF YOUR TITLE e.g.: Fixed error deleting duplicate users #14
- Make sure to add any comments that you think necessary that the reviewer should know when reviewing your PR
NOTE: Every attempt will be made to review and accept or respond to your Pull Request within 72 hours, however at certain times reviews may take longer due to lack of available time. Please be patient, your contribution is GREATLY appreciated.
coming soon ...
Thanks Steve Fabian Northern NJ .NET User Group