Ranger-Metastore-Plugin is intended to integrate Metastore service into Apache Ranger.
Make sure that $HIVE_HOME env variable is set and points to metastore directory.
Create repository in 'Ranger Policy Manager' E.g. "metastore". The same name needs to be configured during plugin setup.
Execute next command to build the project
mvn clean compile package install assembly:assembly
As a result this will create a .tar.gz file
sudo tar zxf ./target/ranger-metastore-plugin-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT-metastore-plugin.tar.gz -C /usr/local
cd /usr/local/ranger-metastore-plugin
Here are the relevant lines that you should edit:
- [PATH_TO_META-STORE] - Path to installed meta-store
- [RANGER_URL] - Apache Ranger http url. Ex:http://localhost:6080 if it runs on localhost.
Now enable the metastore-plugin by running the enable-metastore-plugin.sh command (Remember to set JAVA_HOME)
cd /usr/local/ranger-metastore-plugin
sudo ./enable-metastore-plugin.sh
To check if plugin was installed by success you can verify it on Ranger web-interface going to next menu 'Ranger Admin Web interface -> Audit Tab -> Plugin Status'