This class helps with simple data visualizations and plotting of information that comes from the simulator. The following is an example of one of the plots that can be generated:
MyDataHandler = DataHandler(network=Network()) # your instance of the network class
DataHandler.plot_trp_comparison(path1=[], path2=[], generic_sensitivities=[[],[]], path1_name="Generic", path2_name="Current", plot_meaningfuls=False, system=1)
Plot a plot like the example at the top of this file. "trp_comparison" stands for "total receiver power comparison", which can compare the E2E receiver powers of different path algorithms. The generic use-case is for a generic, unchanging path and a reconfigurable path.
is a array consisting of two arrays. idx 0 is an array of times, and idx 1 is an array of when the pre-programed path (generic) does not close the link.