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ParametricSurfacePlot Component


mark Object in Graph Props

'mark': {
  'position': {
    'x': {
      'function': (u, v) => Math.cos(u) * (3 + Math.cos(v)),
    'y': {
      'function': (u, v) => Math.sin(v),
    'z': {
      'function': (u, v) => Math.sin(u) * (3 + Math.cos(v)),
  'type': 'plane',
  'style': {
    'fill': {
      'opacity': 0.4,
      'color': 'red',
    'stroke': {
      'width': 1,
      'color': 'black',

Properties for mark for Parametric Surface Plot

Property Type Description
position object Defines the how the position of vertices for contour will be mapped. Required
position.x object Required.
position.x.domain array Defines the domain for x position. Not Required. If not present the domain is calculated from the provided data depending on the position.x.scaleType.
position.x.startFromZero boolean Defines if the domain starts from 0 or not. Not Required. Default value: false. Only applicable if position.x.domain is not given
position.x.function function Defines the function for x position. Required.
position.y object Required.
position.y.domain array Defines the domain for y position. Not Required. If not present the domain is calculated from the provided data depending on the position.y.scaleType.
position.y.startFromZero boolean Defines if the domain starts from 0 or not. Not Required. Default value: false. Only applicable if position.y.domain is not given
position.y.function function Defines the function for y position. Required.
position.z object Required.
position.z.domain array Defines the domain for z position. Not Required. If not present the domain is calculated from the provided data depending on the position.z.scaleType.
position.z.startFromZero boolean Defines if the domain starts from 0 or not. Not Required. Default value: false. Only applicable if position.z.domain is not given
position.z.function function Defines the function for z position. Required.
style object Defines the style of the contour. Not Required
style.fill object Defines the fill of the surface. Not Required. If not present will only show the mesh.
style.fill.opacity float Defines the opacity of the surface. Not Required. Default value: 1 Value must be between 0 and 1.
style.fill.function string Defines the function that will be mapped as fill of the surface. Required if style.fill.scaleType is present.
style.fill.domain array Defines the domain for fill. Not Required. If not present the domain is calculated from the provided data depending on the style.fill.scaleType
style.fill.color array or string Defines the color for fill. Not Required. Default value if style.fill.function is d3.schemeCategory10, else "#ff0000" If style.fill.function is not present the this needs to be a string otherwise an array.
style.fill.startFromZero boolean Defines if the domain starts from 0 or not. Not Required. Default value: false Only applicable if style.fill.color is not given and style.fill.scaleType is linear.
style.stroke object Defines the stroke for the planes. Not Required. If not present the planes are not stroked. This can be used to design a mesh to make the surface more readable.
style.stroke.width float Defines the stroke of the surface. Not Required. Default value: 1
style.stroke.color string Defines the stroke color for surface. Not Required. Default value: "#000000"

parameter Object in Graph Props (Required)

'parameter': {
  'parameter1': {
    'domain': [0, 2 * Math.PI],
    'steps': 50,
  'parameter2': {
    'domain': [0, 2 * Math.PI],
    'steps': 50,

Properties for parameter for Parametric Curve Plot

Property Type Description
parameter1 object Defines the setting for the first paramete. Required.
parameter1.domain array Defines the domain for which the curve is plot. Required.
parameter1.steps array Defines the intervals at which the curve is calculated. Required.
parameter2 object Defines the setting for the first paramete. Required.
parameter2.domain array Defines the domain for which the curve is plot. Required.
parameter2.steps array Defines the intervals at which the curve is calculated. Required.