A method combines a unique ID, a C-function and the signature of the method. It also has a name, which is nice for human readable output.
char *mulle_objc_method_get_name( struct _mulle_objc_method *method)
Returns the name of the method. This is an ASCII string, terminated by \0.
It's lifetime is the same as that of method
. Don't free it.
char *mulle_objc_method_get_signature( struct _mulle_objc_method *method)
Returns the @encoded type of the method. This is an ASCII string, terminated
by \0. It's lifetime is the same as that of method
. Don't free it.
mulle_objc_methodid_t mulle_objc_method_get_methodid( struct _mulle_objc_method *method)
Returns the ID of the method. This is a unique hash across all methods.
mulle_objc_method_get_implementation( struct _mulle_objc_method *method)
Return the implementation (C-Function) of the method. The C-function has the
uniform signature void *(*)( id self, mulle_objc_methodid_t _cmd, void *_param)
This is a list of methods (not a list of pointers to methods). It is read only: once created and added to the runtime it must not be modified.
int mulle_objc_methodlist_walk( struct _mulle_objc_methodlist *list,
int (*f)( struct _mulle_objc_method *, struct _mulle_objc_class *, void *),
struct _mulle_objc_class *cls,
void *userinfo)
Iterate over a methodlist
calling a callback for each method
in it.
Parameter | Description |
list |
The methodlist to walk |
f |
Your callback function. mulle_objc_methodlist_walk will stop, when f returns a value that is not zero. This value will be returned by mulle_objc_methodlist_walk . |
cls |
This will be passed to the callback function |
userinfo |
This will also be passed to the callback function |
Here is an example implementation of a callback function
static int print_method( struct _mulle_objc_method *method,
struct _mulle_objc_class *cls,
void *userinfo)
printf( "%p: %s[%s %s] @encode:%s\n",
(void *) mulle_objc_method_get_implementation( method),
mulle_objc_class_get_name( cls),
mulle_objc_method_get_name( method),
mulle_objc_method_get_signature( method));
return( 0);
mulle_objc_methodlist_walk( list, print_method, cls, "-");
struct _mulle_objc_methodlistenumerator mulle_objc_methodlist_enumerate( struct _mulle_objc_methodlist *list)
Enumerate a methodlist. list
may be NULL. Returns an enumertator.
struct _mulle_objc_method *mulle_objc_methodlistenumerator_next( struct _mulle_objc_methodlistenumerator *rover)
Get the next method from the enumerator. Returns NULL if done.
void mulle_objc_methodlistenumerator_done( struct _mulle_objc_methodlistenumerator *rover)
Mark the end of the lifetime of the enumerator. This is merely conventional.