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Kubernetes Documentation: and their subdomains and their subdomains and their subdomains

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  • run time_left on work pc to check time
  • run check_result on work pc to check result


1 Create a secret secret1 with value key1=value1 in the namespace jellyfish. Add that secret as an environment variable to an existing pod1 in the same namespace.
Task weight 2%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Name: secret1
- key1: value1
- Namespace: jellyfish
- pod env name: PASSWORD from secret secret1 and key key1

2 Create a cron job cron-job1
Task weight 6%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - name: cron-job1
- namespace: rnd
- image: viktoruj/ping_pong:alpine
- Concurrency policy: Forbid
- command: echo "Hello from CKAD mock"
- run every 15 minutes
- tolerate 4 failures
- completions 3 times
- imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent
- keep successfulJobs to 5
- keep failedJobs to 7
- terminate pods after 10 seconds

3 There is deployment my-deployment in the namespace baracuda . Rollback deployment to 1-st version . Scale deployment to 3 replicas.
Task weight 2%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Rollback deployment to 1-st version
- Scale deployment to 3 replicas

4 Create deployment shark-app in the shark namespace.
Task weight 2%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Name: shark-app
- namespace shark
- Image: viktoruj/ping_pong
- container port 8080
- Environment variable ENV1 = 8080

5 Build container image using given manifest /var/work/5/Dockerfile. Podman is instaled on Worker-PC
Task weight 2%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Image Name: ckad
- Tag: 0.0.1
- export image in oci-archive to /var/work/5/ckad.tar

6 Update sword-app deployment in the swordfish namespace
Task weight 2%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - user with ID 5000on container level
- restrict privilege escalation on container level

7 There are deployment, service and the ingress in meg namespace . user can't access to the app http://ckad.local:30102/app . Please fix it .
Task weight 6%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - curl http://ckad.local:30102/app works.

8 There is a pod web-app in namespace tuna. It needs to communicate with mysql-db service in namespace tuna .Network policies have already been created, don't modify them. Fix problem.
Task weight 4%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - web-app pod can communicate with mysql-db service and port 3306

9 Deployment main-app in salmon namespace, has 10 replicas. It is published http://ckad.local:30102/main-app. The marketing asks you to create a new version of the application that will receive 30% of requests. The total number of application replicas should remain 10.
Task weight 5%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - The new version deplyment name is main-app-v2
- The new version of the application receives 30% of requests
- new version has image viktoruj/ping_pong:latest and env SERVER_NAME=appV2
- total replicas of the app is 10

10 Create a Persistent Volume with the given specification. Run pod with pv.
Task weight 8%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Volume name: pv-analytics
- pvc name: pvc-analytics
- Storage: 100Mi
- Access mode: ReadWriteOnce
- Host path: /pv/analytics

- pod name: analytics
- image: busybox
- node: nodeSelector
- node_name: node_2
- command: "sleep 60000"
- mountPath: /pv/analytics

11 Create secret from literal . create deployment , mount the secret as env
Task weight 4%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - secret: ns=dev-db name=dbpassword key=pwd value=my-secret-pwd
- pod: ns=dev-db name=db-pod image=mysql:8.0 env.value=from secret dbpassword key=pwd

12 Export the logs of the pod app-xyz3322 to a file located at /opt/logs/app-xyz123.log. The pod is located in any namespace. First, identify the namespace where the pod is running.
Task weight 1%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Logs at /opt/logs/app-xyz123.log

13 Create a new pod called nginx1233 in the web-ns namespace with the image nginx. Add a livenessProbe to the container to restart it if the command ls /var/www/html/ probe fails. This check should start after a delay of 10 seconds and run every 60 seconds.
Task weight 2%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - You may delete and recreate the object. Ignore the warnings from the probe.
- Pod: nginx1233, namespace: web-ns, image nginx, livenessProbe?

14 Add prometheus helm repo and install prometheus chart to the cluster.
Task weight 4%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Add repo prometheus-community
- Install prometheus from the helm chart to kubernetes cluster
- Release name: prom, namespace: monitoring
- helm chart: prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

15 In the Namespace team-elephant create a new ServiceAccount pod-sa. Assing an account permissions to list and get pods using Role pod-sa-role and RoleBinding pod-sa-roleBinding
Task weight 8%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Namespace team-elephant
- ServiceAccount pod-sa
- Role pod-sa-role : resource pods , verb : list and get
-RoleBinding pod-sa-roleBinding
- create pod pod-sa image = viktoruj/cks-lab, command = sleep 60000, ServiceAccount pod-sa

16 You have a legacy app in a legacy namespace . The application contains 2 containers . The first container writes log files to /log/logs1.txt . The second container /log/logs2.txt . you need to add another container log that will collect logs from these containers and send them to stdout .
Task weight 6%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - volule : name logs , type emptyDir , sizeLimit 500Mi :
- Containers app1,app2 , log have /log to /log
- log container : name log, Image: viktoruj/cks-lab, command tail -f -n 100 /log/logs1.txt -f /log/logs2.txt
- check logs from app1 container : k exec checker -n legacy -- sh -c 'curl legacy-app:8081/test_app1' ; k logs -l app=legacy-app -n legacy -c log
- check logs from app2 container : k exec checker -n legacy -- sh -c 'curl legacy-app:8082/test_app2' ; k logs -l app=legacy-app -n legacy -c log

17 collect logs from 4 pods with label app_name=xxx to logfile /opt/17/17.log in namespace app-x
Task weight 4%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - /opt/17/17.log contains logs from 4 pods with label app_name=xxx in namespace app-x

18 Convert existing pod in namespace app-y to deployment deployment-app-y . set allowPrivilegeEscalation: false and privileged: false
Task weight 5%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - Ns app-y
- deployment name deployment-app-y
- image viktoruj/ping_pong:alpine
- replicas 1
- env SERVER_NAME = app-y
- allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
- privileged: false

19 create configmap config from file /var/work/19/ingress_nginx_conf.yaml in namespace app-z . create deployment app-z with mount as volume configmap with mount path /app
Task weight 4%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - configmap config from file /var/work/19/ingress_nginx_conf.yaml in namespace app-z
- deployment app-z in namespace app-z image viktoruj/ping_pong:alpine replicas 1 mount configmap to /appConfig

20 create deployment app in namespace app-20 with init container.
Task weight 4%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - ns app-20
- deployment name app
- init container image and app image viktoruj/ping_pong:alpine
- replicas 1
- volume type emptyDir sizeLimit 5Mi
- mount to init and main containers to /configs
- init container command echo 'hello from init '>/configs/app.config

21 fix deployment manifest from previous version kubernets and deploy it .
Task weight 2%
Cluster cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1)
Acceptance criteria - deployment manifest /var/work/21/app-21.yaml is updated to current kubernetes version
- app-21 deployment is deployed
- pods from deployment app-21 are ready