RDP into the jumpbox (you can get the IP using AzurePortal). The user and password are the ones that you defined as environment variables at the begining.
The jumpbox needs to be intializated as a prerequisite.
Open Ububtu (WSL) on your JumpBox.
Set the resource group used to deploy the ASE:
export RGNAME=**The deployed resource group**
- Move to code directory:
cd app-service-environments-ILB-deployments/code
dotnet publish -c Release -o deploy/VotingData web-app-ri/VotingData/VotingData.csproj
pushd deploy/VotingData/ && zip -r ../VotingData.zip * && popd
dotnet publish -c Release -o deploy/VoteCounter function-app-ri/FunctionApp/VoteCounter.csproj
pushd deploy/VoteCounter/ && zip -r ../VoteCounter.zip * && popd
pushd web-app-ri/VotingWeb/ && bower install && popd
dotnet publish -c Release -o deploy/VotingWeb web-app-ri/VotingWeb/VotingWeb.csproj
pushd deploy/VotingWeb/ && zip -r ../VotingWeb.zip * && popd
Once the applications are compiled, follow the steps below for either the standard deployment or high availability deployment.
export WEBAPP_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g $RGNAME -n sites --query properties.outputs.votingWebName.value -o tsv) && export WEBAPI_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g $RGNAME -n sites --query properties.outputs.votingApiName.value -o tsv) && export FUNCTION_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g $RGNAME -n sites --query properties.outputs.votingFunctionName.value -o tsv)
az webapp deployment source config-zip --name $WEBAPI_NAME --resource-group $RGNAME --src deploy/VotingData.zip
az functionapp deployment source config-zip --name $FUNCTION_NAME --resource-group $RGNAME --src deploy/VoteCounter.zip
az webapp deployment source config-zip --name $WEBAPP_NAME --resource-group $RGNAME --src deploy/VotingWeb.zip
# ASE1
export WEBAPP_NAME1=$(az deployment group show -g $RGNAME -n sites1 --query properties.outputs.votingWebName.value -o tsv) && export WEBAPI_NAME1=$(az deployment group show -g $RGNAME -n sites1 --query properties.outputs.votingApiName.value -o tsv) && export FUNCTION_NAME1=$(az deployment group show -g $RGNAME -n sites1 --query properties.outputs.votingFunctionName.value -o tsv)
az webapp deployment source config-zip --name $WEBAPI_NAME1 --resource-group $RGNAME --src deploy/VotingData.zip
az functionapp deployment source config-zip --name $FUNCTION_NAME1 --resource-group $RGNAME --src deploy/VoteCounter.zip
az webapp deployment source config-zip --name $WEBAPP_NAME1 --resource-group $RGNAME --src deploy/VotingWeb.zip
# ASE2
export WEBAPP_NAME2=$(az deployment group show -g $RGNAME -n sites2 --query properties.outputs.votingWebName.value -o tsv) && export WEBAPI_NAME2=$(az deployment group show -g $RGNAME -n sites2 --query properties.outputs.votingApiName.value -o tsv) && export FUNCTION_NAME2=$(az deployment group show -g $RGNAME -n sites2 --query properties.outputs.votingFunctionName.value -o tsv)
az webapp deployment source config-zip --name $WEBAPI_NAME2 --resource-group $RGNAME --src deploy/VotingData.zip
az functionapp deployment source config-zip --name $FUNCTION_NAME2 --resource-group $RGNAME --src deploy/VoteCounter.zip
az webapp deployment source config-zip --name $WEBAPP_NAME2 --resource-group $RGNAME --src deploy/VotingWeb.zip