Stub Class ========== The Stub class is used for creating a stub test double. This will provide the basic shell of an existing class or procedure file. Output parameter values, and return values, can be specified before the stub object is generated. Class Methods ---------- * `VOID` AddProcedureParameter(INPUT paramType AS CHARACTER, INPUT nam AS CHARACTER, INPUT dType AS CHARACTER) * This method specifies a parameter to be created in the Main Block of a procedure file, as a work-around for a known issue when extracting data from a procedure file (see Work Arounds for OpenEdge Limitations in the [Basic Usage](BasicUsage) information). * Parameter: paramType (CHARACTER) - Specifies whether the parameter is an INPUT, OUTPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT parameter. * Parameter: nam (CHARACTER) - Specifies the name of the parameter. * Parameter: dType (CHARACTER) - Specifies the data type of the parameter. * `VOID` AddProcedureBufferParameter(INPUT nam AS CHARACTER, INPUT tabl AS CHARACTER) * This method specifies a buffer parameter to be created in the Main Block of a procedure file, as a work-around for a known issue when extracting data from a procedure file (see Work Arounds for OpenEdge Limitations in the [Basic Usage](BasicUsage) information). * Parameter: nam (CHARACTER) - Specifies the name of the parameter. * Parameter: tabl (CHARACTER) - Specifies the name of the table to create the buffer parameter for. * `VOID` AddProcedureDataSetParameter(INPUT nam AS CHARACTER) * This method specifies a ProDataSet parameter to be created in the Main Block of a procedure file, as a work-around for a known issue when extracting data from a procedure file (see Work Arounds for OpenEdge Limitations in the [Basic Usage](BasicUsage) information). * Parameter: nam (CHARACTER) - Specifies the name of the ProDataSet to create the parameter for. * `VOID` AddTempTable(INPUT ttHandle AS HANDLE) * This method specifies a handle to a temp-table which should be inserted into the Main Block or within the Class definition of the stubbed procedure file or class (see Work Arounds for OpenEdge Limitations in the [Basic Usage](BasicUsage) information). * Parameter: ttHandle (HANDLE) - Specifies the handle of the temp-table to add. The temp-table, field and index details will be analysed and replicated in the stubbed file. * `VOID` SetFunctionOutputParameterValue(INPUT funcName AS CHARACTER, INPUT paramName AS CHARACTER, INPUT paramReturnValue AS CHARACTER) * This method sets the value of an output parameter in a named function * Parameter: funcName (CHARACTER) - The name of the function to set the output parameter value for * Parameter: paramName (CHARACTER) - The name of the output parameter to set * Parameter: paramReturnValue (CHARACTER) - The desired output value for the parameter * `VOID` SetFunctionReturnValue(INPUT funcName AS CHARACTER, INPUT retValue AS CHARACTER) * This method sets the return value of a named function to the specified value. * Parameter: funcName (CHARACTER) - The name of the function to set the return value for * Parameter: retValue (CHARACTER) - The desired return value for the function * `VOID` SetMethodOutputParameterValue(INPUT methName AS CHARACTER, INPUT paramName AS CHARACTER, INPUT paramReturnValue AS CHARACTER) * This method sets the value of an output parameter in a named class method * Parameter: methName (CHARACTER) - The name of the class method to set the output parameter value for * Parameter: paramName (CHARACTER) - The name of the output parameter to set * Parameter: paramReturnValue (CHARACTER) - The desired output value for the parameter * `VOID` SetMethodReturnValue(INPUT methName AS CHARACTER, INPUT retValue AS CHARACTER) * This method sets the return value of a named class method to the specified value. * Parameter: methName (CHARACTER) - The name of the class method to set the return value for * Parameter: retValue (CHARACTER) - The desired return value for the class method * `VOID` SetProcedureOutputParameterValue(INPUT procName AS CHARACTER, INPUT paramName AS CHARACTER, INPUT paramReturnValue AS CHARACTER) * This method sets the value of an output parameter in a named procedure * Parameter: procName (CHARACTER) - The name of the procedure to set the output parameter value for * Parameter: paramName (CHARACTER) - The name of the output parameter to set * Parameter: paramReturnValue (CHARACTER) - The desired output value for the parameter Class Properties ------------ * `LOGICAL` CompileOnGenerate - If `TRUE`, the stubbed file will be compiled whenever it is generated.