- Installed and setup Go
- Watched video from Tech With NaNa Youtube.
- Installed exercism CLI
- Solved first problem on exercism.
- See notes to check learnings.
- Learned about variables, constants, data type
- Declaring variables
- Reviewed hello world again in GO.
- Learned how to take user input in Go.
- Solved small practice problems related to above topics
- Leared if/else condition
- Learned for loop in Go.
- Solved remaining 3 problems.
- Arrays and Slices from video
- If, else if, If/else control statements. [brush up from video]
- Infinite for loop
- For loop on slice using
keyword.- break and continue
- Solved problem to create a array and print unique elements.
- Solved practice problems
- cummulative sum of elements in array
- reversing an array
- search element in array return index and value
- Saw video for selection sort.
- TODO - Try implementation again tomorrow.
- Went through Striver's (TakeUforward) text content for understanding bubble sort, binary search.
- Implemented
- selection sort
- bubble sort
- binary search
- Watched video on String library.
- Solved some practice problems on Strings.
- TODO - Understand Rune.
- solved practice problems on strings.
- solved last practice problem from strings set.
- Saw a basic video on multi dimensional arrays in Go.
- Solved 4 problems from new set of string array and 2D array problems.
- Brushed up integer to binary conversion mathematically.
- Based on the learning solved the problem to convert integer to binary.
- Brushed up matrix multiplication mathematically how to do. [programming implementation pending]
- Implemented matrix multiplication in go
- Implemented swapping elements across a diagonal
- Watch content on structs, pointers and functions.
- TODO - practice problems on the above topic.
- Completed all 3 problems on functions, array and struct.
- Solved exercism problems for
- Scrabble Score
- Isogram
- Pangram
- RNA Transcription
- Protein Translation
- Nucleotide Count (uses struct. Check)
- Rotational Cipher
- Resistor Color
- Solved exercism problem for
- resistor color
- resistor color duo
- collatz conjuncture - helped in learning how to return error in go.
- resistor color trio
- Couldn't make any progress.
- Solved exercism binary search problem.
- Solved integer to binary. Returned binary string from function.
- Solved binary to integer. Returned integer.
- Learned mathematically how to convert binary to integer.
- solved exercism problem on Acronym.
- solved exercism problems
- largest series product
- series
- solved exercism problem
- Prime factors
- Nth Prime Number
- Binary Addition
- solved practice problems which had a mix of following concepts
- Type Conversion
- Struct
- Array of Struct
- Map of Struct
- Map
- Updated the logic of selection sort in the problem solved on Aug, 8.
- Solving practice problem related to the following concepts.
- reading data from CSV.
- creating array of structure
- sorting array of structure
- searching array of structure (Binary Search)
- Implemented binary search via recursion for searching element in array.
- Methods in Go
- Solved factorial using recursion.
- Solved sum of N integers using recursion.
- Print number from 1 to N using recursion.
- Print numbers from N to 1 using recursion.
- Web framework GIN read article.
- Wrote GET method. To display string and dictionary.
"Hello World"
{"msg": "Hello World"}
- Solved palindrome problem:
- Get all possible palindromes of fixed length N.
- Get all possible palindromes up to length N.
- Solved palindrome problem using 2 pointer approach.