YARN支持可扩展的资源模型。默认情况下,YARN跟踪所有节点,应用程序和队列的CPU和内存,但是资源定义可以扩展为包括任意“可数”资源。可计数资源是在容器运行时消耗但随后释放的资源。 CPU和内存都是可数的资源。其他示例包括GPU资源和软件许可证。
此外,YARN还支持使用“资源配置文件”,这使用户可以通过单个配置文件指定多个资源请求,类似于Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cluster实例类型。例如,“大”可能意味着8个虚拟内核和16GB RAM。
Configuration Property | Description |
yarn.resourcemanager.resource-profiles.enabled |
指示是否启用资源配置文件支持。默认为false。 |
Configuration Property | Description |
yarn.resource-types |
以逗号分隔的其他资源列表。可能不包含memory,memory-mb或vcores |
yarn.resource-types.<resource>.units |
指定资源类型的默认单位 |
yarn.resource-types.<resource>.minimum-allocation |
指定资源类型的最小请求 |
yarn.resource-types.<resource>.maximum-allocation |
指定资源类型的最大请求 |
Configuration Property | Description |
yarn.nodemanager.resource-type.<resource> |
节点管理器中可用的指定资源的计数 |
The resources to be used for scheduling. Use resource-types.xml
to specify details about the individual resource types.
有效的资源名称必须以字母开头,并且只能包含字母,数字和以下任何一个:“。”,“ _”或“-”。有效的资源名称还可以可选地在名称空间之后加上斜杠。有效的名称空间由句点分隔的字母,数字和破折号组成。例如,以下是有效的资源名称:
- myresource
- my_resource
- My-Resource01
- com.acme/myresource
- 10myresource
- my resource
- com/acme/myresource
- $NS/myresource
- -none-/myresource
Unit Name | Meaning |
p | pico |
n | nano |
u | micro |
m | milli |
default, i.e. no unit | |
k | kilo |
M | mega |
G | giga |
T | tera |
P | peta |
Ki | binary kilo, i.e. 1024 |
Mi | binary mega, i.e. 1024^2 |
Gi | binary giga, i.e. 1024^3 |
Ti | binary tera, i.e. 1024^4 |
Pi | binary peta, i.e. 1024^5 |
该属性必须命名为yarn.resource-types. .units。每个定义的资源还可以具有可选的最小和最大属性。这些属性必须分别命名为yarn.resource-types. .minimum-allocation和yarn.resource-types. .maximum-allocation。
<value>resource1, resource2</value>
MapReduce向YARN请求三种不同的容器:应用程序主容器,Map 容器和 reduce 容器。对于每种容器类型,都有一组对应的属性可用于设置请求的资源。
Property | Description |
yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.mb |
Sets the memory requested for the application master container to the value in MB. No longer preferred. Use yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.memory-mb instead. Defaults to 1536. |
yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.memory |
Sets the memory requested for the application master container to the value in MB. No longer preferred. Use yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.memory-mb instead. Defaults to 1536. |
yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.memory-mb |
Sets the memory requested for the application master container to the value in MB. Defaults to 1536. |
yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.cpu-vcores |
Sets the CPU requested for the application master container to the value. No longer preferred. Use yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.vcores instead. Defaults to 1. |
yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.vcores |
Sets the CPU requested for the application master container to the value. Defaults to 1. |
yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.<resource> |
Sets the quantity requested of <resource> for the application master container to the value. If no unit is specified, the default unit for the resource is assumed. See the section on units above. |
mapreduce.map.memory.mb |
Sets the memory requested for the all map task containers to the value in MB. No longer preferred. Use mapreduce.map.resource.memory-mb instead. Defaults to 1024. |
mapreduce.map.resource.memory |
Sets the memory requested for the all map task containers to the value in MB. No longer preferred. Use mapreduce.map.resource.memory-mb instead. Defaults to 1024. |
mapreduce.map.resource.memory-mb |
Sets the memory requested for the all map task containers to the value in MB. Defaults to 1024. |
mapreduce.map.cpu.vcores |
Sets the CPU requested for the all map task containers to the value. No longer preferred. Use mapreduce.map.resource.vcores instead. Defaults to 1. |
mapreduce.map.resource.vcores |
Sets the CPU requested for the all map task containers to the value. Defaults to 1. |
mapreduce.map.resource.<resource> |
Sets the quantity requested of <resource> for the all map task containers to the value. If no unit is specified, the default unit for the resource is assumed. See the section on units above. |
mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb |
Sets the memory requested for the all reduce task containers to the value in MB. No longer preferred. Use mapreduce.reduce.resource.memory-mb instead. Defaults to 1024. |
mapreduce.reduce.resource.memory |
Sets the memory requested for the all reduce task containers to the value in MB. No longer preferred. Use mapreduce.reduce.resource.memory-mb instead. Defaults to 1024. |
mapreduce.reduce.resource.memory-mb |
Sets the memory requested for the all reduce task containers to the value in MB. Defaults to 1024. |
mapreduce.reduce.cpu.vcores |
Sets the CPU requested for the all reduce task containers to the value. No longer preferred. Use mapreduce.reduce.resource.vcores instead. Defaults to 1. |
mapreduce.reduce.resource.vcores |
Sets the CPU requested for the all reduce task containers to the value. Defaults to 1. |
mapreduce.reduce.resource.<resource> |
Sets the quantity requested of <resource> for the all reduce task containers to the value. If no unit is specified, the default unit for the resource is assumed. See the section on units above. |
请注意,YARN可以修改这些资源请求,以满足配置的最小和最大资源值,或者是配置的增量的倍数。请参见yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb,yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb,yarn.scheduler.increment-allocation-mb,yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-vcore,yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation- YARN调度程序配置中的vcores和yarn.scheduler.increment-allocation-vcores属性。
"small": {
"memory-mb" : 1024,
"vcores" : 1
"default" : {
"memory-mb" : 2048,
"vcores" : 2
"large" : {
"memory-mb": 4096,
"vcores" : 4
"compute" : {
"memory-mb" : 2048,
"vcores" : 2,
"gpu" : 1
当前,分布式 Sehll 程序是唯一支持资源配置文件的客户端。使用分布式 Shell 程序,用户可以指定资源配置文件名称,该名称将自动转换为一组适当的资源请求。 例如:
$ hadoop job $DISTSHELL -jar $DISTSHELL -shell_command run.sh -container_resource_profile small