WebGL2 Fundamentals is great read.
Love using GPU-IO (nice example of it), SwissGL & LUME libraries.
- Learn WebGL
- WebGL Overview (Code)
- WebGL Fluid Simulation - Play with fluids in your browser (works even on mobile). Code.
- Workshop on WebGL and GLSL
- Love Cube
- Sketches by Avin Grape
- OGL - Minimal WebGL framework.
- glas - WebGL in WebAssembly with AssemblyScript.
- Raw WebGL - Overview on how to write a WebGL application. Learn what key data structures and types are needed to draw in WebGL.
- Raw WebGL slides
- How to Create the Apple Fifth Avenue Cube in WebGL (2019)
- Moments of Happiness - Series of WebGL experiments developed to make you smile.
- WebGL Quake 3 Renderer
- Time Chart - Chart library specialized for large-scale time-series data, built on WebGL.
- webgl-plot - High-performance 2D graphs using native WebGL.
- surfman - Low-level, cross-platform Rust library for managing surfaces, blocks of image data in GPU memory.
- WebGL Fundamentals (Code)
- Ray Marching and Signed Distance Functions (2016)
- Webgl Programming Guide: Interactive 3D Graphics Programming with Webgl (2013)
- Bringing webgl to react - Paul Henschel (2020)
- WebGL guide - Complete, summarized WebGL tutorial, with tiny interactive demos in each chapter. (Code)
- WebGL map renderer written from scratch
- TTF file parsing (2019)
- Brief explanation of WebGL (2018)
- WebGL with Three.js Program
- Barebones WebGL in 75 lines of code (2020) (HN)
- Cool WebGL stuff (2020)
- Advanced Creative Coding with WebGL and Shaders on top of ThreeJS (2020)
- Real-time rendering of water caustics (2020)
- OrigamiSimulator - Realtime WebGL origami simulator. (Web)
- Progressive Enhancement with WebGL and React (2020)
- WebGL Volume Raycaster
- glfx.js - Image effects library for JavaScript using WebGL.
- TWGL - Tiny WebGL helper Library.
- w-gl - Simple WebGL renderer.
- Moonbridge - Simple and fun way to create your own WebGL experiment.
- gl-bench - WebGL performance monitor that showing percentage of GPU/CPU load.
- WebGL2 Fundamentals - WebGL2 from the ground up. No magic. (Code) (HN)
- Lume - Create CSS3D/WebGL applications declaratively with HTML. Give regular DOM elements shadow and lighting. (Web)
- WebGL Fluid Dynamics: Reintegration Tracking (2020)
- manyworlds - Scifi-inspired study of signed distanced functions and noise fields in WebGL.
- WebGL Path Tracing - Path tracing in GLSL using WebGL. (Web)
- ScatterGL - Interactive 3D / 2D webgl-accelerated scatter plot point renderer. (Web)
- WebGL Signed Distance Function Mesher - Extract an STL from a glsl distance function.
- ROYGBIV - 3D engine for the Web. Using WebGL.
- Rabbit Hole - Volumetric terrain engine for WebGL.
- Regl - Fast functional WebGL.
- RedCube.js - WebGL2 rendering library.
- High-level WebGL. Low-level tags. (2021)
- WebGL State Diagram - Visual representation of most of WebGL's internal state.
- Infinite grid with just one square (2021)
- SpectorJS - Explore and Troubleshoot your WebGL scenes with ease. (Web)
- luma.gl - High-performance toolkit for WebGL-based data visualization. (Code)
- Condition - 64KB WebGL Intro.
- Sahti - Write a WebGL 2 command, use it like a component.
- Sunny Land - WebGL Playground platformer.
- WebGL 2.0 API Quick Reference Guide
- How to render outlines in WebGL (2021) (Code)
- Real-Time Video Convolution using WebGL (2021)
- Three Nebula - WebGL based 3D particle system engine for three. (Web)
- WebGL Lint - Checks your WebGL usage for common issues.
- ogl-tools - WebGL tools for use with the OGL library.
- WebGL-Memory - Library to track webgl-memory.
- Smooth WebGL Shader Transformations on Scroll
- Potree - WebGL point cloud viewer for large datasets.
- PicoGL.js - Minimal WebGL 2 rendering library.
- nanogl - WebGL micro framework.
- Blub - 3D fluid simulation experiments in Rust, using WebGPU-rs.
- Porting WebGL Shaders to WebGPU (2021) (HN)
- React Vertex - Hooks-based WebGL library for React. (Docs)
- regl-gpu-lines - Pure GPU instanced, screen-projected lines for regl.
- Phenomenon - Fast 2kB low-level WebGL API.
- WebGL Water (Code) (HN)
- MeshCat Python - Python Bindings to the MeshCat WebGL viewer.
- MeshCat.jl - Julia bindings to the MeshCat WebGL viewer.
- WebGLWorker - Lets you write WebGL code in a web worker, as if WebGL were implemented there.
- Hilo3D - 3D WebGL Rendering Engine.
- Canvas2DtoWebGL.js - Ports (almost) all Canvas2D functions to the GPU so it can be mixed with a WebGL canvas.
- WebGL 2 Examples - Rendering algorithms implemented in raw WebGL 2.
- W - Micro WebGL2 framework with a ton of features. (Docs)
- WebGL + Rust: Basic Water Tutorial (2019) (Code)
- WebGL Profiler - GPU-side profiler for WebGL using EXT_disjoint_timer_query.
- Web Texture Tool - Texture loading utility for WebGL and WebGPU.
- VideoContext - Experimental HTML5 & WebGL video composition and rendering API.
- PixiJS - HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer. (Code) (Learning Pixi)
- webgl-operate - TypeScript based WebGL rendering framework.
- math.gl - 3D/WebGL math library.
- Fake 3D Image Effect with WebGL - Interactive "fake" 3D effect for images with plain WebGL.
- Drawing with circles (HN)
- WebGl 2D Scatterplot with Regl
- WebGL Usage Patterns at Squarespace (2022)
- Persepolis of ancient Persia rendered in WebGL (HN)
- glMatrix - JavaScript Matrix and Vector library for High Performance WebGL apps.
- HTML GL - Solves "the slow DOM problem" by creating WebGL representations of DOM elements and hiding actual DOM after.
- G - Powerful rendering engine implemented with Canvas2D / SVG / WebGL / WebGPU.
- Neuroglancer - WebGL-based viewer for volumetric data.
- Aladino - Tiny dependency-free JS library that allows to enhance your site using "shader effects".
- CSS vs WebGL cubes
- React Ape - React Renderer to build UI interfaces using canvas/WebGL.
- mugl - Micro WebGL Library for JavaScript and WebAssembly.
- Collection of WebGL sketches
- Earcut - Fastest and smallest JavaScript polygon triangulation library for your WebGL apps.
- Shader blob
- Drop unveil
- WebGL and GLSL projects 2022
- Cosmos - GPU-accelerated force graph layout and rendering.
- standalone-shader - Native WebGL wrapper for 2D shaders.
- Stylized Wireframe Rendering in WebGL
- Superconductor - 3D renderer built on top of wgpu.
- Khronos glTF 2.0 Sample Viewer
- WebGL GLTF loader
- Litegl.js - Lightweight Javascript WebGL library for handling Context, Meshes, Textures and Shaders. Relies on glMatrix 2.0, very easy to use.
- Horizontal Gallery WebGL
- Building an interactive WebGL experience in Next.js (2022)
- WebGL experiments
- Crescent - Simple WebGPU implementation written in Zig.
- 3Dmol.js - WebGL accelerated JavaScript molecular graphics library.
- Summer Afternoon - WebGL Experiment (HN)
- MathBox - Presentation-quality WebGL math graphing.
- Personal WebGL notes
- Reimplementation of Matthias Müller's "Ten Minute Physics" demos in Rust with WASM + WebGL
- Parametric Surfaces in the Browser - Drawn using the Rust + WASM toolchain with WebGL, React, and TypeScript.
- Stable-Fluids implemented in WebGL2
- SwissGL - Minimalistic wrapper on top of WebGL2 JS API.
- Diamond WebGL - Ray-tracing engine for real-time diamond rendering in WebGL.
- Stable fluid simulation on GPU using WebGL
- Red Otter - Self-contained WebGL flexbox layout engine.
- Unknown Pleasures - Tiny web experiment with WebGL. (HN)
- NiiVue - WebGL 2.0 medical image viewer.
- pex-content - Modern WebGL state wrapper for PEX.