I hope you find this software useful and contributions are always welcome. Just a few usual things to try and follow to keep things tidy.
I use my own gitlab instance with my own CI pipelines setup and any changes get pushed to github.
Try to keep the commit messages specific and combined into one. I use the Jetbrains IDE called Clion which makes it easier.
Quick summary of what you are changing to make it easier to review.
I'll run the code against my CI pipeline.
A few points to coding style.
Functions and classes etc normally have the open bracket underneath. I know most IDEs default to the same line but I find it easier to read when it is underneath.
Most places I have put the '*' on the type rather than the variable name.
Like I mentioned above I have a CI pipeline which builds the code using docker and then runs the unit tests onto the raspberry pi. I also deploy the main codebase to check everything is working as expected.
I have tried to be good and written unit tests with a coverage report. The pipeline does display the coverage percentage. New code shouldn't make the test coverage go down so any new functionality should have tests written for it.