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Build the connector. The easiest way to do this is in VSCode, using the Power Query SDk.

  • Navigate to the connector directory.
  • code . to open the project in VSCode.
  • Open MongoDBAtlasODBC.pq
  • On the editor window, right click anywhere in the editor window for the MongoDBAtlasODBC.pq file and choose Evaluate current power query file
  • Copy bin\AnyCPU\Debug\connector.mez to the Microsoft Power BI custom connector folder, located in C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors.

Smoke Test

For a new system setup, follow the installation steps in


Start local Atlas Data Federation

Set the following environment variables


export ADF_TEST_LOCAL_USER=<adf username>
export ADF_TEST_LOCAL_PWD=<adf password>
export ADF_TEST_LOCAL_AUTH_DB=<local auth db>
export ADF_TEST_LOCAL_HOST=<local host address>
export MDB_TEST_LOCAL_PORT=<MongoDB port>


setx ADF_TEST_LOCAL_USER "<adf username>"
setx ADF_TEST_LOCAL_PWD "<adf password>"
setx ADF_TEST_LOCAL_AUTH_DB "<local auth db>"
setx ADF_TEST_LOCAL_HOST "<local host address>"
setx MDB_TEST_LOCAL_PORT "<MongoDB port>"
Golang install location

The script expects the go install to be in a specific location. For POSIX systems, the script will check for the go executable in /opt/golang/$GO_VERSION. For Windows systems C:\golang\$GO_VERSION. Where $GO_VERSION is in the format GO_VERSION="go1.18". Ensure that your go install is in the correct location. Alternatively, you can modify the script to point to the correct location.

Run script to start a local ADF instance
./resources/ start

Install mongoimport

Download and install MongoDB Command Line Database Tools Add mongoimport.exe to the PATH and change permissions to make it executable.

Load Sample Dataset

mongoimport.exe --uri="mongodb://$ADF_TEST_LOCAL_HOST:$MDB_TEST_LOCAL_PORT/supplies" \
            --drop resources/integration_test/testdata/sales.json
mongoimport.exe --uri="mongodb://$ADF_TEST_LOCAL_HOST:$MDB_TEST_LOCAL_PORT/integration_test" \
            --drop resources/integration_test/testdata/complex_types.json

Generate Schema

Generate the schema for the data that was loaded using the mongo.exe executable downloaded by the script

MONGOSHELL=$(find ./local_adf/ | grep mongo.exe | head -1)
chmod +x $MONGOSHELL
$MONGOSHELL -u $ADF_TEST_LOCAL_USER --password $ADF_TEST_LOCAL_PWD --authenticationDatabase \
            --eval 'db.runCommand({sqlGenerateSchema: 1,
            sampleNamespaces: ["integration_test.complex_types", "supplies.sales"], setSchemas: true})'

Clear Power BI Cache

It is a good idea to clear the data cache and data source settings to ensure the connector is being correctly tested.

Clear Data Cache
  • Navigate to File -> Options and settings -> Options -> Data Load
  • Under Data Cache Management Options click on Clear Cache
Clear Saved Data Source Settings
  • Navigate to File -> Options and settings -> Data source settings
  • For Data sources in current file and Global permissions choose Clear Permissions->Clear All Permissions

Running Tests

Navigation Table

Test that the expected tables are shown in the navigation table and that data is loaded in the expected format.

  • Get Data -> More... -> Database -> MongoDB Atlas SQL
  • Enter MongoDB URI: mongodb://localhost/?ssl=false
  • Enter Database: integration_test
  • Click OK
  • In the Navigator, expand the integration_test and supplies databases to show the underlying collections
  • Choose the complex_types collection and verify that the expected preview loads
  • Click Transform Data
  • Update the query to the following to show the table schema:
= Table.Schema(integration_test_Database{[Name="complex_types",Kind="Table"]}[Data])
  • Confirm the TypeName and NativeTypeName columns have the expected values
    • The TypeName should be Text.Type for the complex types
  • Transform the array column to JSON
  • Expand the list to new rows
  • Click Close and Apply
  • In Visualizations choose Clustered column chart
  • In Data choose double and integer, verify the visualization is as expected


Test that data is loaded in the expected format when running a native query.

  • Get Data -> More... -> Database -> MongoDB Atlas SQL
  • Enter MongoDB URI: mongodb://localhost/?ssl=false
  • Enter Database: supplies
  • Enter SQL Statement: select * from sales
  • Click OK
  • Verify that the expected preview loads
  • Click Transform Data
  • Confirm that the type is Text for all the columns with complex types
  • Transform the customer column to JSON
  • Expand all the values in the resulting customer records
  • Change types of customer.age and customer.satisfaction to Whole Number
  • Click Close and Apply
  • In Visualizations choose Clustered column chart
  • In Data for the Query choose customer.age, customer.satisfaction, and _id, verify the visualization is as expected

On-Premises Data Gateway

  • Open and sign in to the on-premises data gateway
  • Go to the Connectors tab and choose enable custom connectors
  • Ensure that the path points to the custom connectors folder
  • Restart the gateway and Power BI Desktop and save the reports
  • In Power BI, Publish the report that was created with the previous tests
  • Ensure your gateway is set up by visiting the gateways page
  • Visit the Power BI Data hub and sign in
  • Your published data sources should appear here
  • Hover over the data source, then use the ... to select settings
  • From here, you may be prompted to Discover Data Sources
  • Follow this prompt to establish the connection between Power BI and your database
  • Return to your data set settings page, and you should now see additional options (i.e. “Gateway Connection” and “Data Source Credentials”)
  • Expand the latter, and input the credentials for your local ADF
  • Return to the data hub, and refresh the dataset
  • This should then result in an updated timestamp under refreshed

Manual Testing (for Native Query)

At this time, Native Query must be tested manually by reviewers.

The following query is sufficient to test Native Query as it exercises mutliple areas of translation.

  1. Ensure you have a local ADF running following the steps from Setup Section.
  • Load data
    ./mongoimport.exe --uri="mongodb://$ADF_TEST_LOCAL_HOST:$MDB_TEST_LOCAL_PORT/supplies" --drop resources/integration_test/testdata/sales.json
  • Set the ADF schema
    MONGOSH=$(find ./local_adf/ | grep mongo.exe | head -1)
    # Replace with the namespace you are adding
    $MONGOSH  -u mhuser -p pencil --eval 'db.runCommand({sqlGenerateSchema: 1, sampleNamespaces: ["supplies.sales"], setSchemas: true})' localhost/admin
  1. Build the Connector, if necessary, following the instructions from the Build Section.
  2. Start Power BI and ensure the Data Cache has been cleared.
  3. Choose Get Data
  4. Search for "mongodb" in the search box, and select the MongoDB Atlas SQL connector.
  5. Connect to your local ADF.
  • The URI should be mongodb://localhost (unless $ADF_TEST_LOCAL_HOST differs)

  • The database is integration_test.

  • In the Native Query box, input the following SQL query which groups all sold items by name and calculates out how much revenue they generate per sale.

    SELECT name, AVG(price * quantity) as revenue_per_sale FROM(SELECT items_name as name, items_price as price, items_quantity as quantity FROM FLATTEN(UNWIND(sales WITH PATH => items))) as derived GROUP BY name

    This is equivalent to the following aggregation query and produces the same results.

    db.sales.aggregate([{$unwind: "$items"}, {$group: { _id: "$", avgPrice: { $avg: {$multiply: ["$items.price", "$items.quantity"]}}}}])
  1. Verify results. Numerics will display with higher precision in Power BI.
name revenue_per_sale
notepad 66.337
printer paper 164.544
backpack 354.19
binder 112.808
pens 113.941
laptop 3257.093
envelopes 77.661

Manual Testing (for Direct Query)

At this time, Direct Query must be tested semi-manually by reviewers, until such time as the Power Query SDK uses the same Mashup Engine as Power BI.

Each Direct Query test we want to run is stored in the resources/direct_query directory

  1. Ensure you have a local ADF running using the instructions from the Setup Section.
  • Load data
    ./mongoimport.exe --uri="mongodb://$ADF_TEST_LOCAL_HOST:$MDB_TEST_LOCAL_PORT/reports" --drop resources/integration_test/testdata/transforms.json
    ./mongoimport.exe --uri="mongodb://$ADF_TEST_LOCAL_HOST:$MDB_TEST_LOCAL_PORT/reports" --drop resources/integration_test/testdata/table_ops.json
  • Set the ADF schema
    MONGOSH=$(find ./local_adf/ | grep mongo.exe | head -1)
    # Replace with the namespace you are adding
    $MONGOSH  -u mhuser -p pencil --eval 'db.runCommand({sqlGenerateSchema: 1, sampleNamespaces: ["reports.transforms", "reports.table_ops"], setSchemas: true})' localhost/admin
  1. Build the Connector, if necessary, following the steps from the (Build)[Build] Section.
  2. Start Power BI and ensure the Data Cache has been cleared.
  3. Choose Get Data
  4. Search for "mongodb" in the search box, and select the MongoDB Atlas SQL connector.
  5. Connect to your local ADF.
  • The URI should be mongodb://localhost (unless $ADF_TEST_LOCAL_HOST differs)
  • Make sure to select the Direct Query radio button instead of Import
  • The database is reports.
  1. When the data explorer comes up, select the reports database and checkbox both collections:
  • transforms
  • table_ops
  1. Open the Advanced Query Editor for the transforms table
  2. Repeat the following process for the following queries: resources/direct_query/conversion.pq, resources/direct_query/transforms.pq
  • Delete the previous query
  • Copy the query from the proper pq file
  • Paste into the query editor
  • Select Done
  • Wait a very long time for the query to run
  • Ensure that there is a Direct Query for the last step by right clicking the last step and selecting View Native Query (which is confusing naming)
  1. Open the Advanced Query Editor for the table_ops table
  2. Repeat the following process for the following queries: resources/direct_query/group.pq, resources/direct_query/merge_queries.pq, resources/direct_query/filter.pq, resources/direct_query/other_table_ops.pq
  • Delete the previous query
  • Copy the query from the proper pq file
  • Paste into the query editor
  • Select Done
  • Wait a very long time for the query to run
  • Ensure that there is a Direct Query for the last step by right clicking the last step and selecting View Native Query (which is confusing naming)