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josepablog edited this page Oct 7, 2014 · 23 revisions


  • "XXX.pred"
    The three columns actualLabel,predLabel, predProb are:
    • actual student responses(correct or incorrect)
    • predicted student responses
    • predicted probability of getting correct responses

If the evaluation process outputs "ERROR: #files should be numFolds * numRuns!", it means there are more/less "XXX.pred" files than expected. You can solve this problem by removing (moving) files with ".pred" and rerun the code, or prepare the ".pred" files corresponding to numFolds * numRuns (e.g. if numFolds=2 and numRuns=1, then you should have "XXX_test0.pred", "XXX_test1.pred".)

  • "XXX.eval"

  • evaluation.log

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