work related to the GitHub actions governing testing and release
Issues that are blocked by other upstream issues
Dealing with linting, some kinds of technical debt, repetitive work
Contribution from the open source community
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Issue related to the HDF Converters library
Issues that relate to Heimdall Server Usability and Value Chain
Issue is related to both the front and backend of Heimdall
Issue is related to the Heimdall-Server backend
Issue is related to the Heimdall-Lite frontend
Extra attention is needed
Issue is related to InspecJS
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Further information is requested
Used by mergify to identify if a PR is ready to merge into master.
Research spikes / prototypes required / etc
Issues that have been requested multiple times by multiple sponsors and will be addressed soon.
Pull requests that update Ruby code
Pull requests that address a security vulnerability