diff --git a/.github/workflows/vrtl-docker-release.yml b/.github/workflows/vrtl-docker-release.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..438b95de8b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/vrtl-docker-release.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+name: Build and Push VRTL Misskey Docker Image
+ push:
+ tags:
+ - 'v*-vrtl.*'
+ DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME: anatawa12/vrtl-misskey
+ build:
+ permissions:
+ contents: read
+ packages: write
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout Repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Set up QEMU
+ uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
+ - name: Setup Docker Buildx
+ uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
+ - name: Login to Docker hub
+ uses: docker/login-action@v1
+ with:
+ registry: ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAME }}
+ username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
+ password: ${{ github.token }}
+ - name: Extract metadata (tags, labels) for Docker
+ id: meta
+ uses: docker/metadata-action@v3
+ with:
+ images: ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAME }}/${{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME }}
+ - name: Build & Push
+ uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
+ env:
+ with:
+ context: .
+ push: true
+ platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
+ tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
+ labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}
+ cache-from: ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAME }}/${{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME }}:latest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d8d5e00b868
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+--- 2024.10.1-vrtl.1 released at this time ---
+--- 2024.9.0-vrtl.1 released at this time ---
+--- 2024.8.0-vrtl.1 released at this time ---
+- fix(frontend): VRTL VSTLの名前が表示されないところがある問題 (anatawa12#97) - 2024/08/07
+- fic(frontend): VRTL VSTLでリプライのトグルが表示されない問題 (anatawa12#92) - 2024/08/04
+--- 2024.7.0-vrtl.1 released at this time ---
+--- 2024.5.0-vrtl.2 released at this time ---
+- chore(backend): VRTL参加サーバーの取得に失敗したときのリトライの間隔を短く
+- feat: VRTL/VSTLに連合なし投稿を含めるかを選択可能に
+ - もともとのVRTL/VSTLでは連合なし投稿が常に含まれていましたが、正しくVRTL/VSTLのノートを表現するために含めないようにできるようになりました
+ - VSTLの場合、連合なし投稿を含めないようにしてもフォローしている人の連合なし投稿は表示されます
+- fix(frontend): ウィジェットでVRTL/VSTLが使用できない問題を修正
+- fix(backend): 自分自身に対するリプライがwithReplies = falseなVRTL/VSTLにて含まれていない問題を修正
+- feat(backend): `vmimiRelayTimelineImplemented` と `disableVmimiRelayTimeline` nodeinfo に追加しました
+ - これによりサードパーティクライアントがVRTLの有無を認知できるようになりました。
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 92e8fef6396e..d86dec7b9dc0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,131 @@
+# Anatawa12's fork of Misskey
+This is anatawa12's fork of Misskey.
+This fork is used for several purposes:
+- The repository for [vmimi-relay timeline] extension development. I'm the maintainer of the [vmimi-relay timeline].
+- The repository for writing pull-requests to the vmimi relay users. I'm usually sending pull requests to the vmimi relay users after each updates.
+- The repository for writing pull-requests to the upstream repository. I'm one of the contributors of the upstream repository.
+- The repository for writing pull-requests to the [misskey.niri.la]. I'm one of the maintainers of the [misskey.niri.la].
+This branch is the branch for releasing the Vmimi Relay Timeline extension.
+## Vmimi Relay Timeline
+The Vmimi Relay Timeline is additional timelines for Misskey servers who belong to the [Virtual Kemomimi Relay].
+This extension adds two timelines: Vmimi Relay Timeline (VRTL) and Vmimi Social Timeline (VSTL).
+ぶいみみリレータイムラインは[ぶいみみリレー][Virtual Kemomimi Relay]に参加しているサーバー向けのmisskeyの拡張タイムラインです。
+この拡張はふたつのタイムラインを追加します: ぶいみみリレータイムライン (VRTL) とぶいみみソーシャルタイムライン (VSTL) です。
+### Vmimi Relay Timeline (VRTL)
+The Vmimi Relay Timeline (VRTL) is the timeline that shows the posts from the Virtual Kemomimi Relay users.
+This timeline is designed to be similar to the Local Timeline,
+but it shows the posts from the Virtual Kemomimi Relay users.
+ぶいみみリレータイムライン (VRTL) はぶいみみリレーに参加しているユーザーの投稿を表示するタイムラインです。
+### Vmimi Social Timeline (VSTL)
+The Vmimi Social Timeline (VSTL) is the timeline that shows the posts from
+the Virtual Kemomimi Relay users and the users you are following.
+In other words, this timeline is the combination of the VRTL and the Home Timeline.
+This timeline is designed to be similar to the Social Timeline,
+but it shows the posts from the Virtual Kemomimi Relay users instead of the Local Timeline.
+ぶいみみソーシャルタイムライン (VSTL) はぶいみみリレーに参加しているユーザーとフォローしているユーザーの投稿を表示するタイムラインです。
+### How to use the Vmimi Relay Timeline
+First, this extension is designed for servers who joined the [Virtual Kemomimi Relay]
+so you have to join the [Virtual Kemomimi Relay] to use this extension.
+After that, you have two ways to use the Vmimi Relay Timeline:
+- Use releases of the misskey docker image if you're using official docker image.
+ The image is designed to be a drop-in replacement of the official image.
+ The image name is [`ghcr.io/anatawa12/vrtl-misskey:latest`].
+- Merge the extension branch to your fork and build the image by yourself.
+ You can merge the [`vmimi-relay-timeline/generic`] branch to your fork.
+ If you ask me, I'll create a pull request to your fork. Feel free to ask me.
+はじめに、この拡張は[ぶいみみリレー][Virtual Kemomimi Relay]に参加しているサーバー向けに設計されているため、この拡張を使用するには[ぶいみみリレー][Virtual Kemomimi Relay]に参加する必要があります。
+- 公式のdockerイメージを使用している場合は、VRTLのdockerイメージを使用してください。
+ のイメージは公式イメージの代わりとして使用できます。
+ イメージ名は [`ghcr.io/anatawa12/vrtl-misskey:latest`] です。
+- このブランチをあなたのフォークにマージして、自分でイメージをビルドしてください。
+ [`vmimi-relay-timeline/generic`] ブランチをあなたのフォークにマージすることで、この拡張を使用できます。
+ 必要であれば、あなたのフォークにプルリクエストを作成します。お気軽にお尋ねください。
+### Notes for Third-party Client Developers
+Here are the technical notes for third-party misskey client developers.
+サードパーティ Misskey クライアント向けの技術的な情報です
+#### Detecting Vmimi Relay Timeline
+There is `vmimiRelayTimelineImplemented` property on `metadata` object of `nodeinfo`.
+If it's true, your client can assume that the VRTL is implemented for the sever.
+この値が true であれば、VRTLがそのサーバーにて実装されてると考えて問題ありません
+#### Endpoints and Channels of Vmimi Relay Timeline
+The fetch note endpoint for VRTL and VSTL are `notes/vmimi-relay-timeline` and `notes/vmimi-relay-hybrid-timeline`,
+and the channel name for them are `vmimiRelayTimeline` and `vmimiRelayHybridTimeline`.
+Those endpoints and channels have almost same options as LTL / STL but they have one extra option specific to VRTL/VSTL.
+The `withLocalOnly` flag (true by default) indicates if the timeline should include local only (non-federated) notes from server (local) timeline.
+For more details, see `misskey-js`.
+VRTLとVSTLのfetchエンドポイントはそれぞれ `notes/vmimi-relay-timeline`と `notes/vmimi-relay-hybrid-timeline`で、
+チャンネルは `vmimiRelayTimeline` と `vmimiRelayHybridTimeline` です。
+これらのエンドポイントとチャンネルは LTL/STL とほぼ同じオプションを持っていますが、 VRTL/VSTL に固有オプションが一つあります。
+`withLocalOnly` (デフォルトtrue) はタイムラインにローカルのみ(連合なし)ノートがタイムラインに含まれるかどうかを示します。
+### Branches related to Vmimi Relay Timeline
+- [`vmimi-relay-timeline/generic`]:
+ The branch for the Vmimi Relay Timeline extension development.
+ All changes to the Vmimi Relay Timeline extension will be merged to this branch.
+ This branch should be based on the latest official release of Misskey.
+ This branch does not include any changes other than the Vmimi Relay Timeline extension itself.
+- [`vmimi-relay-timeline/releases`]:
+ The branch for releasing the Vmimi Relay Timeline extension.
+ This branch includes the changes for `package.json` and changes to the repository link.
+- `vmimi-relay-timeline/forks/nirila`, `vmimi-relay-timeline/forks/buiso` and other branches:
+ Those branches are the branches for sending pull requests to each fork-based server.
+ Those branches are not permanent; they will be deleted after each pull request is merged.
+### How the Vmimi Relay Timeline works
+The Vmimi Relay Timeline is implemented as a server-whitelisted timeline.
+The Vmimi Relay provides the API endpoint to get the list of joined servers.
+The Vmimi Relay Timeline extension fetches the list of joined servers from the Vmimi Relay
+and filters the received / created notes by the list.
+For implementation simplicity, the Vmimi Relay Timeline includes all public notes of the local server including
+non-federated notes, but this behavior may change in the future.
+[Virtual Kemomimi Relay]: https://relay.virtualkemomimi.net/
+[misskey.niri.la]: https://github.com/niri-la/misskey.niri.la/
+[vmimi-relay timeline]: #vmimi-relay-timeline
+[`vmimi-relay-timeline/generic`]: https://github.com/anatawa12/misskey/tree/vmimi-relay-timeline/generic
+[`vmimi-relay-timeline/releases`]: https://github.com/anatawa12/misskey/tree/vmimi-relay-timeline/releases
+[`ghcr.io/anatawa12/vrtl-misskey:latest`]: https://github.com/anatawa12/misskey/pkgs/container/vrtl-misskey