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File metadata and controls

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infrastracture to gather database of legal documents, and legal information gathered regarding legal changes in society during pandemy in 2020

Setup for development

In main project directory run:

poetry install

This will install all required packages. Run potery add package or poetry add package --dev to add additional packages to use in python modules.

Backend and Frontend use yarn package manager. Install dependencies with:

yarn install

To install additional packages run yarn add package or yarn add package --dev.


The easiest setup for RabbitMQ is to run it in docker:

docker run -d -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq

Otherwise refer to RabbitMQ documentation for installing and configuring an instance


Comunnication and task scheduling is handled by Celery. Celery application is defined and configured in scheduler module. Define tasks in module.tasks otherwise update imports config in scheduler.celeryconfig


Staring workers

Starting regular queue worker:

celery -A scheduler worker -l info

Starting beat service for periodic tasks:

celery -A scheduler beat

Test your queues by running modifing and running python


  • backend - node.js+koa server
  • frontend - create-react-app frontend SPA
  • scheduler - celery configuration and scheduling tasks
  • crawler - website crawling code and celery task definitions (LAD, SSD)
  • nlpengine - processing of crawled files and input to DB
  • translator - translating db records and documents
  • pdfparser - parsing and filtering documents


There are 2 options to start the services:

  • docker-compose (recommended) - run docker-compose up --build, which will start 2 containers: one with the rabbitmq service and another one with celery scheduler, based on image defined in Dockerfile.
  • pure Docker - run each container individually.

In order to build the docker image of policydemic, run: docker build -t minipw/policydemic:latest .. Then, it can be started with: docker run minipw/policydemic:latest.